Chapter 29

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Next morning, I went back to the construction site and informed Reuben not to create the space for the elevator. Reuben asked me if I had found a solution and I informed him that one of my people will come to install something similar. I also went to Bjorv and asked him to send a few dwarves to the mansion.

A week passed by quickly.

Revati had been able to change the software inside the computer and it has now become a magical tool. She told me that it was the software that their civilization used before it was destroyed and that it was inside Otien. She even made changes to the language that was encoded into the software to make it suitable for this age. Otien was basically a data bank. I laughed when they came to inform me of that but I felt like Otien didn't look at my laugh approvingly.

The only concerning factor was Ashryn. She was acting quite strangely and had been disappearing from the estate more frequently. Elias informed me that she had been sneaking out even at night and was going somewhere but he didn't know where. I didn't want to intrude on her privacy but after the attempted kidnapping incident, I was quite worried about her. The look on her face when she heard about the kidnapping also worried me.

"Would you like me to follow her?" Elias offered, guessing my worries.

"Hmm, but would you able to? Elves are quite swift on their feet."

"Please leave it to me," Elias said.

I had completely forgotten about his past status of being an assassin. I nodded in approval but informed him that if it was personal and he didn't see any danger, he needn't unnecessarily alarm her. He agreed.

Another few days passed but there was no news about Ashryn.

Today, Revati had excitedly called me to the laboratory. So, I made my way towards the basement. I went down to the cellar and after authentication, I entered the laboratory.

Revati was crouched near a round metal platform about five feet in diameter. Otien was hovering next to her. She had previously asked me to introduce her to some dwarfs and it looks like she had collaborated with them to create a teleportation platform. It hid the magic circle inside two sheets of metal that were joined together. It basically looked like a disk with a small round circle at the center of the platform. Except for that, it looked like any normal round sheet of metal. She beckoned to me and I moved closer to take a better look at it. We tried it by linking two platforms and it worked flawlessly. I was instantly able to teleport between the platforms after a short delay.

"Have you found any Orichalcum?" She asked, after we were done checking.

"Yeah, I did. I'm sorry, I've been too busy and didn't have the time to make the tools."

"That's alright. Let's do it now, shall we?"

I took out the lump of Orichalcum from my item box and set it down on the table next to us.

"The purity of this piece of ore is great. This should work perfectly," Otien said, looking at it.

He moved closer to the table.

"Shall I create it?"

Small arms shot out from Otien and I could see small magic circles drawn on the small disc shaped palms.

(Master, you should be able to do it.)

"Wait, I'll do it. Can you show me an image of what it should look like?"

"Sure," Otien projected a holographic image in front of him.

The tool looked like a pen. He even took apart the pen and showed me it's inside. It said it needed iron as well. I took out a small bit of sky iron from my item box and began working on it, referencing the projection.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now