Chapter 9

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Around four hours had passed since I started on the road. The day was getting dimmer as evening approached. And the three moons of Thieca were beginning to become more and more visible as time went on.

(Master, I think it's better to make camp.)

(I guess so. Do you see any places where we could stop.)

We reached another fork on the beautifully paved road. The people passing by had become scarce and you could hardly see more than three people in one hour.

(If you take that deviated road, you will reach a large lake. I think it's better to camp there for the night)

(I cannot sense any sign of monsters.)

I agreed and turned towards the lake.

It was a big lake surrounded by mountains. The water was clear and you could see small animals playing near the shore filled with sand.

I selected an open space near the road. Though there were trees and thick bushes on either side of the road, there was an empty space that looked like it was made just for camping. Probably some adventurers cleared up the space to camp. I bought a two person tent and set it up overlooking the lake. I parked the bike beside it. I also bought a beach chair to sit and just admire the beauty of the lake.

I was also getting hungry so I opened the shop window again and while browsing through the food section, I saw instant cup noodles being sold. I immediately bought two and a can of beer.

Then I created hot water with magic and let the cup noodles rest for a bit so that they can become soft. Meanwhile, I opened and took a sip of the beer.

"Ahhh, this is it. Great view and a great drink." I lowered myself on the chair savouring the taste of the beer.

(Master, don't get too drunk.)

(Don't worry I have magic to detoxify. Wait! Why do I feel like the only spell floating in my head right now is the detoxification spell.)


I ate the noodles after they were done and it felt great. Days of eating bread and stew really made me appreciate noodles like never before. I think a tear even trickled down my cheek.

After dinner, I got ready for bed. The three moons were shining brightly illuminating the whole lake. It gave an intoxicating view of the lake surrounded by mountains. And you could hear the sounds of small animals and insects moving busily through the night.

I made a barrier encompassing this area and applied perception blocking magic, then went inside the tent. It should be able to last until morning.

The air here was pure with the smell of nature lingering in the air. Not like the polluted air that I had to inhale everyday in the city. It cannot even be compared.

Soon I dozed off thinking of things to do tomorrow.

I was suddenly awakened by a loud sound like something exploding.

I rubbed my eyes and came out of the tent thinking that I was being attacked. I looked around but nothing seemed to be amiss.

The horizon was beginning to light up and the sun was about to rise.

(Airi, do you sense anything.)


(I dlosn't fiel ssannythin')



(Don't tell meee. Were you asleep?)

(No, Master. Airi doesn't sleep!)

She quickly went back to her usual self.

I concentrated and I could hear shouts coming from near the road. The road to the lake deviated from the main road so I had to concentrate really hard to even hear anything going on in the main road. But it sounded like people fighting. I could hear the sounds of swords clashing.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now