Chapter 3

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Eva led me to the commercial district of the city. She told me that the city was divided into five regions. The center of the city was the commercial district. While the north, west and east side were residential districts. The south side had official buildings like the adventures association, the city hall and other administrative buildings. We saw shops lining up the streets while some vendors were selling food and other items on the street.

We soon came upon a restaurant called "The Homely Palate". It was a two storey building and there was even a line of people waiting for their seats.

When I asked her how we were going to get in, she winked and told me to follow her.

We went to the alleyway behind the restaurant and through there we were able to get inside the restaurant. It seems she was a regular here and after talking to the chef, she was able to get us a sit.

As we were waiting for the food, a man came up running to us screaming.

"Eva, Eva!"

Eva became red and kicked him in the leg.

"Uncle, please stop shouting"

"What can I do. When I see my cute niece I immediately want to hug you. Haha"

"Tsk, I'm not interested"

The uncle made a face as if he died. Seemed like he had a niece complex.

I could also feel Airi withdrawing inside.

"Ahem, so who is this bright young fellow"

"Hello, I'm Rayce. I just became acquainted with Eva today and she's just treating me to a meal." I introduced myself.

"Oh, the food here is great if I may say so myself. I hope you become a regular," he said and winked.

"Uncle, stop advertising your own restaurant. Hmph"

"Haha," I laughed watching the banter between the two of them.

"I'm Hector. Nice to meet you Rayce."

"So are you an adventurer like Eva?"

"Yes," I said "though I just registered today."

"I hope you are careful. The vicinity of this city is quite safe but you never know what danger you may come across."

I nodded.

"Uncle stop bothering him. Don't you have customers you need to take care of."


"Rayce, I hope you like the food. Let's meet again"

"Thank you."

Then he hovered around Eva for sometime talking about her health and stuff and left.

You could hear her continuously clicking her tongue and giving death glares.

Soon our food arrived. You could see three kinds of steaks and a stew which came with a big loaf of bread.

I was quite hungry and after looking at Eva who smiled and nodded, I dug in.

The steaks were delicious but a little bland. I think it had something to do with the spices. Though I don't know what kind of animals they were.

The loaf was also a little hard.

But since I hadn't had anything to eat for a while, I wasn't going to complain. I cleaned up the plate.

While eating, she told me that this country was called Quizen and there were five big cities. Glaecia, Aflurg, Braynia, Eblana and Flaedan. Eblana was the country's port and Glaecia was the capital. She told me that there were five countries on this continent and that there were three continents.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now