Chapter 24

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Next morning, I woke up early and went down. Everyone had already awakened. Revati and Otien were walking around in the garden. Ashryn had put up a target using earth magic and was practicing her bow. It was such a large ground that we had ample space for practice. I took in the breath of fresh air and the scent of the flowers spreading around, as I walked out of the house.

I looked around and I saw Revati sitting down near a large tree that stood near the garden. Otien had disappeared somewhere. I joined her. Revati welcomed me with a smile and got straight to the point.

"So, you said you were from a different world?"

(Master, it's better to tell her everything. We'll have an ally.)

(Hmm, alright.)

"Yes, Otien must have told you about that right?" I asked, sitting down next to her.

"Yes, he did give me a general overview."

"Well, there's nothing much to tell. I died in that world and I was pulled into a space between worlds by an entity calling herself Dexra. She said she was a manager of multiple universes."

"I see. So, basically a god. Though I've never heard of her. The god we worshipped in my time was called Enara."

It was understandable. The names of gods keeps changing from time to time. Hardly, the same names of gods remained in the span of millions of years. People needed faith in something and they put up a god to worship. Even now, the god worshipped by people in this country was called Evaline.

"I guess, and she told me that there will soon be a calamity coming to this universe and I needed to fight that."

"That....sounds unbelievable."

"Yeah, believe me I know. This body, my powers and even Airi was given to me by her. She is a support bot and has been helping me adjust to this world and prepare for the calamity."

"Hmm, Otien did tell me about Airi. By any chance, did she mean those creatures when she talked about the calamity?"

"I'm not sure, but I know that a calamity will soon reveal itself much stronger than any humans. So, I have been trying my best to become as strong as possible." I said, after a while.

"I see." She looked lost in thought.

"I don't know about a different calamity but those creatures will not go unchallenged this time. We'll need to do everything in our power to repel them though I would like to limit our sacrifices."

I could feel Airi's approval.


"By the way, what powers were you given?" She asked, interested.

"Haha, I don't know if you will be able to see it or not. Only the owner can see their own status. When I used appraisal on you, I couldn't see anything but maybe that's because of your body."

"Hmm......wait, Otien had made a device to look at that status window. He told me it took him a long time to make it. He started after feeling something was changing in this world."

"I see," Otien was a little too competent.

She pulled out a small one eyed monocle from her pocket and wore it in her left eye.

"Please open your status window." She said.

I did so, after removing the perception block I had applied to my status.

"Wow, this is unbelievable. Even though I had heard from him about it, this system is pretty convenient. It weirdly looks like a holographic screen."

"Yeah, that's right. I was startled the first time I saw this as well. Though, Dexra assured me everyone had them." I added.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now