Chapter 8

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I asked some people on the street where I could find potions and they directed me to a potion shop.

I soon reached the shop. It was a big building almost the same size as the adventurer association and it hardly looked like a shop. It looked more like an official building.

I apprehensively opened the door and entered. There were a few people inside wearing a different type of uniform. But they didn't pay any heed to me and were busy talking among themselves. I saw a receptionist desk at the end of the hall and made my way there. A neatly dressed person with glasses was browsing through some papers. He looked up as soon as he noticed me approaching.

"Hello, welcome to the Alchemy guild. My name is Matir. How can I help you today?"

I see. It's an Alchemy guild.

"Uh, I was looking to sell potions."

"Sure, we buy potions. May I have your registration card?"

I took out my adventurer card and passed it to him.

"Oh, I was asking for the registration card for the Alchemy guild."

He quickly swiped the card in the same terminal like contraption as the one in the adventurer association.

"It doesn't look like you're registered with us."

"Yes, I have not yet registered," I said.

"In that case, I can register you. Would you like me to do that?"

"Yes, please. That'd be helpful."

"The identification card will not change. I will enter the details of the registration inside the system and add the registration for the Alchemy guild onto this card." He explained.


I waited as he worked on the screen embedded into his desk. He swiped the card a few times and then he motioned for me.

"Please place your hand here."

I did as I was told and like the skill verification, the screen glowed green.

"Alright, it's done. You will be able to use this card to identify yourself as a member of the Alchemy guild anywhere on this continent." He said.

"Thank you." I took the card from him and saw that a thick green line had been added just below the three gold colored lines.

"Now, could you please show me the potions?"

"Ah, yes."

I took them out of the item box and showed it to him. There were 10 vials of potion.

Though he was a little startled by the item box and the containers, he soon regained his composure.

"Thank you. Please allow me a few moments." He said and went somewhere through a door behind the reception area.

He soon came back.

"It has been verified. So you have ten potions of A grade quality. The total will come to 30 gold coins with 3 gold coins per bottle. We'll also buy the empty bottles at 1 gold coin each."

"Th-The bottles?"

"It seems the guild master has taken a liking to them and advised me to buy them at all costs." After saying that he pushed his glasses up staring at me intently.

"I-I see. S-Sure I'll sell them to you."

"That's good. Thank you." He bowed.

It seems it was better to sell potions to make money when in need of it.

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