Chapter 13

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I spent the next day inside the estate and helped the Kaerius family stock up on potions. They will be selling the potions starting from Glaecia and then distributing them all over the Kingdom of Quizen.

I was given a laboratory on the grounds near the garden and most of the easily available herbs were provided to me. The laboratory was fitted with all the Alchemy equipments and a large number of workers were gathered to help put the potions into bottles. The bottles were also provided.

The herbs I was using were Daytona herbs, Gugia grass and Suhea stalks. They were for healing potions, energy potions, and status-nullifying potions respectively. I concentrated on the work and continued making potions while consulting with Airi. Though there were other herbs that were used to make these same potions with better effects, due to my Alchemy skills, they were largely unneeded. I was able to alleviate the potency of the potions with these herbs alone.

It also served as practice for my Alchemy lessons since I was still new to this so I didn't have any complaints, other than Lady Clarice and Grandma Angeline popping in from time to time to talk about Amelia. Amelia also came in for sometime and hovered around me looking interestedly at my process of creating potions. She told me that she had always wanted to learn Alchemy. I told her that I'd teach her if she wanted and she left humming happily.

I also learned that the second son of the Kaerius family was in Ebria Kingdom on a diplomatic mission. He had joined the Imperial court at a young age and was given various missions as a part of noblesse oblige.

It was almost evening by the time I was done. The workers diligently put all the potions in small bottles and marked all the boxes separating all the different kinds of potions. I also left a small amount of undiluted potions in a small container and marked it. The potions I made were from rank B to S. Though most of them were A-rank potions and B-rank potions. A small amount also consisted of S-rank potions.

I came out of the laboratory and stretched. I could see the three moons shining brightly in the night sky, though they were slowly getting closer to each other. I figured there might be an eclipse soon. The garden was brightly lit by the lamps hanging on posts and the light seemed to slowly seep into the flowers which made the view even more breathtaking.

As I was about to head inside, I saw Hans hurrying towards me from the direction of the mansion.

"Sir Rayce, have you completed your work?" Hans asked.

"Yeah, it's done at last," I said stretching my arms.

"That's good to hear."

"If you don't mind, the Marquis has requested your presence."

"Sure. Please lead the way."

He nodded and we headed back inside the mansion. The maids could be seen running around busily. They were carrying vegetables and other food items and hurrying inside. I figured that they were preparing for dinner.

He led me inside the same office and then went and stood in a corner.

Henry was sitting on the sofa drinking tea.

He smiled as soon as I entered and motioned for me to sit on the sofa opposite him. I gave him a rundown of the containers and the amount of potions made.

"Thank you," He said.

"This will greatly help the common people."

I figured that was the case. If the mid-ranked potions became unavailable, it would affect the commoners first, since they didn't have the various ways a noble had of getting their hands on potions. So a company like Kaerius should be able to distribute the potions properly to the masses.

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