Chapter 23

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I tried again and it was the same. I wasn't able to use teleportation.

(Airi, it's not working.)

(Master, it seems to be the work of anti-warp barriers that are put up all over the city. I would suggest you to teleport them near the city or get inside the city alone first. I'll analyse the barrier and modify our teleportation so that you can teleport inside the barrier.)

(Alright, sounds good. Let's do that.)

I explained the situation to them and fortunately they didn't seem too bothered.

"It's alright. I'll take a look around this place and see if I can salvage anything. You can come back after getting to the city," Revati said.

"We have waited a long time. A few more hours is nothing," Otien said.

"Thank you."

As I was about to leave, I remembered that I was teleported inside by Otien.

"Wait, Otien. How did you bring me to the passageway?"

"Should I just teleport outside?"

"Oh, there's a mechanism near the door leading up. Put the dagger inside the slot for the key card and you should be teleported back to the place you were before."

"Thank you. I'll be back soon."

I quickly made my way back. As I walked past the facilities that were once full of people, I saw that they had all deteriorated and there wasn't even a semblance of the bustling shelter left. The earth had reclaimed everything. The doctor laboratory seemed to be the only place that looked half decent. The living quarters were all overgrown with roots and the roof and the white walls had fallen off and were buried under soil. I thought back at the state of the shelter when it was new and how it was now. Time erodes everything.

Soon, I reached a metal door that seemed to be the one that housed the stairs leading up. There was a slot in the door. I took out the dagger and slid it into the slot and I felt the same powerlessness but this time I didn't lose consciousness. I was teleported back to the room where the broken orb sat on the pedestal.


I heard someone shout and as I turned back I saw Herbert, Ashryn, Rina and Ian sitting around a fire looking at me.

As soon as they saw me, they came running up to me. I quickly hid the dagger in my item box.

"W-what happened. I saw you break into tiny particles of light and disappear," Ashryn asked, almost breathing down my face.

"Ahaha, I seem to have mistakenly activated something near the orb and I was teleported inside a dungeon."

"What?" Ian and Rina shouted together.

"What kind of dungeon was it?" Herbert asked, interested.

"You know.....the usual."

"Sigh, I'm glad you're alright. You never know where you might end up with these things," Herbert said.

"True. By the way, how long has it been?"

"It has been a day since you disappeared," Rina said.

"A day?!!" I asked incredulously.

"I see. I got lost in the dungeon and wasn't able to teleport back immediately but I didn't think it would take a day."

It seems the memories and the interaction with Otien took longer than I expected.

"What matters most is that you're alright," Ian said, patting my back.

"Thank you. I'm hungry. Shall we eat something?"

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now