Chapter 4

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The inside was the same as usual with adventurers crowding the quest board. I made my way to it and looked up at the quests. Most of them were C rank and above with requests to subjugate monsters and the occasional protection and escorting requests.

(Master, please take that one)

Airi said directing my gaze at a request.

It was a request to collect herbs.

I nodded and went to the reception desk. I told the receptionist about the quest and after taking my adventurer card and confirming it, she said that the quest has been assigned successfully. She told me that I'd have 48 hours to complete the quest. The pay would be 2 silver coins.

I thanked her and made my way out of the building.

First, I needed to get a weapon. So as per Airi directions, I bought a normal iron sword from a blacksmith nearby. And some bread and dried meat to eat for lunch.

And so I set out to the forest nearby.

The forest near the city which was the first place I arrived to in this world was called Penecour Forest. It encompassed an area larger than the city and I had heard that many monsters also roamed the forest. The herbs I had to collect were also inside the same forest and since I will be checking the skills as well, it seemed like a good place to check out.

I showed my card at the gate and made my way towards the forest.

Airi was explaining the skills.

(The skill all magic as the name suggests lets Master use all forms of magic available as per this universe laws. Let's call the magic as a magical law which is ingrained in the universe. The mages create a law from the universe and manipulates it. It requires an energy source to create a magical law and then execute it. The energy that humans have are different from monsters in the sense that it is stored in Energons in a monster but for humans, they can store it anywhere in the body. There are different ways the energy accumulation is taught in this continent. I would suggest Master to learn to store the energy all over the body.)

(Here the mages make what you would call a circle inside their hearts. The more the circles they have the more potent forms of magic they can use. I have already created one circle inside your heart. I would suggest Master to create a few more circles and also create circles inside the blood vessels. So that the energy is absorbed through your blood vessels and those in turn supply it to the circles in your heart. So that you will have two ways to sustain the circles. The circles will always stay open and absorb the energy from your surroundings. Even if the blood vessels are destroyed, you will still be able to use the circles in your heart and vice versa)

(Why do you think my blood vessels will be destroyed and won't I die if I don't have blood flowing through my body?)

(Umm...that is. It's just a precaution and Master better pay heed to my advice!)

(Alright, alright, I got it.)

(Now, moving on, I will be providing the knowledge about the different forms of magic. There are what the humans on this world called elements. It can be found everywhere on this world. Some are born with the affinity to control them and that's how they are able to manipulate that particular element. Since you have the affinity for all the elements, you will be able to produce and manipulate any magical law as per your requirements.)

(The most common elements are wind, fire, earth, water, light and darkness. You will also be able to manipulate laws of things not limited to the above like, nature, space-time, metals, barrier, healing, sounds, etc. Please know that as long as you can identify it as an element and a law, you will be able to manipulate it. The degree of manipulation will depend on your experience so I would suggest you to practice as much as you can.)

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now