Chapter 15

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For selling the potions, I received a total of 2000 platinum coins from the Kaerius company. After withdrawing the amount, I set off to find a suitable house. I figured the money would be enough. I had consulted with Airi and we figured that this city would be the best for settling down since it was a neutral country and there were hardly any conflicts with the neighboring countries. I enthusiastically explored Astrya's complex streets filled with engrossing sights and impressive buildings. It was quite different from the cities of Earth. The air was filled with alluring scents from Alchemy shops, mingling with the lively sounds of busy markets. The mix of diverse races going about their business made me feel that I was truly in a fantasy world.

Weeks passed as I ventured alone and carefully scouted various properties, considering factors like proximity to the adventurer guild, markets, and magical landmarks. I had conversations with nearby residents and they provided valuable perspectives on the neighborhoods, each with its own characteristics and charisma. I learned that the northern part of the city had larger mansions and an expansive market because it hosted nobles and rich merchants. The distance to the different guilds was also within a walking distance so I leaned more towards buying a house there. The middle part of the city hosted government buildings, the royal palace and the two big towers. Other parts of the city were filled with tall colourful buildings, markets and inns. The wide road and the sidewalk were beautifully paved lending a metropolitan vibe to the city. The big buildings cast long shadows on the pedestrians passing below. The architecture I saw was a testament to the city’s rich history. 

However, finding the perfect home turned out to be more difficult than I thought. The decision between a smaller house or a more elaborate mansion put me in a bind. Airi wanted me to buy a bigger mansion as she wanted to make adjustments to the house for future purposes so I consented.

Eventually, I availed the services of a broker. A small quaint building stood near the northern market. I was referred to the broker by Amelia's grandfather while talking with him about my intended purchase. I knocked on the door and a servant in a butler suit opened the door and bowed to me.

"Hello, I'm Rayce. I'm looking for Mr. Leighet."

"Welcome, Sir Rayce. The master is awaiting you in the living room." He said while bowing.

I was carefully guided to the living room by the servant.

A burly man with fair skin wearing a suit was sitting on a sofa and drinking tea. He had a fedora on his head. He got up and smiled as soon as I entered the room.

"Welcome, you must be Sir Rayce." He said, slightly tipping his hat.

"Hello Mr. Leighet, it's nice to meet you." 

I said extending a hand which he shook.

Then he motioned for me to sit on the sofa opposite him. The room was skillfully decorated with antique furniture and modern elements mixed in lending the image of a conserved office.

“Sir Jinet informed me that you were looking to buy a property,” He said getting straight to the topic.

I nodded in response.

“Yes, I was looking for a house preferably in the northern side of the city."

“I see. Then, I assume you are looking for a mansion.”


“I apologize. The northern part of the city is mostly filled with mansions as many nobles from Astrya, as well as other countries, buy properties there.”

(Master, I'll say it again. We need a mansion.)

“I see.”

“If you are looking for a mansion, there are many houses left unused by nobles which are now on the market. But the price would be a little on the higher side.”

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now