Chapter 6

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(Airi, please mark the location of the village on the map)

(Already done)

(Then, please open the map)

She did so and after looking at the distance, I quickened my steps.

I soon came upon the village. It was a small village, surrounded by walls made of bricks. The houses weren't anything to write home about and I concluded that most of them were farmers. The entrance was guarded by two guards wearing black clothes.

I slowly made my way towards them and after introducing myself, I was led inside towards the village chief's house. I reckoned he was the one who had made the request.

An old man called Han greeted me. He was using a cane to walk and waved towards a chair for me to sit.

"Thank God. I didn't know when the request would be picked up since the amount was quite low."

"I understand. I'm just starting out but since they have assigned me this request, I'll do my best to complete it. You can rest easy", I said.

The old man smiled.

"Have you had lunch?"

"Not yet," I said.

The old man clapped his hands and a few people came in. He asked them to prepare a meal.

"Please have a meal. After that I'll let someone guide you towards the place where the gray wolves had been seen."

I accepted his hospitality.

After lunch which was again bread and stew, Han introduced a young boy called Samuel and told that he would be guiding me around the area.

We soon set out towards the place where the sightings were more frequent.

Samuel was a curious boy and he kept asking me questions about adventurers. I told him that I had only recently registered as an adventurer and this is my first extermination request. He told me that his dream was to be an adventurer and that he would soon go to the city to register himself.

I looked at his status.

[Name: Samuel

Age: 17

Race: Human

Skills: Magic (Water), Hand to hand combat, Swordsmanship]

It didn't seem that bad.

"I'm sure you will be successful", I said.

We soon reached the part of the forest where the gray wolves had been seen. Most of them were venturing out from inside the forest and attacking the villagers who went to forage for fruits and vegetables.

I concentrated on my senses and opened the map.

(Master, there are 20 gray wolves within a one kilometer radius and a higher species that looks to be the leader)

I told Samuel to hide. He said he wanted to come with me but I strongly disagreed. I'm still new to this. And to try to fight while shielding someone will be too much for me.

I slowly made my way towards the clearing where the wolves were. As I got nearer, I saw that there were bones scattered everywhere in the vicinity. And it looked like human bones. And they were munching on something. I instinctively knew what it was.

(Master, I would suggest attacking first with magic)


I readied a fire spell called fire spear and shot it towards them.

I Was Suddenly Transferred To Another Universe But I Will Live My Own Way.Where stories live. Discover now