Chapter 17

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"What do you need?"

The dwarf girl asked, gazing up at me. She was wearing an orange leather apron over normal clothes. It looked like she had been working in the forge.

"I am looking for the owner of the shop."

"Yer talking to her." She said, with a piercing gaze.

"Ah-ahaha, I see. I was just looking for some ores to buy."

"Ores, huh?"

"Yeah, if you had Mithril or Adamantine, I'd like to purchase some."

"I do have some Adamantine but Mithril is hard to come by. Ever since the Nulin mine depleted, the Mithril coming into Astrya has reduced due to logistical issues."

She said with a scrutinising gaze.

"I-I see. Is that the mine belonging to Astrya?"

"Yea, it belongs to the country. They are searching for a new vein of Mithril right now, but it is taking longer than what was initially announced by the royal family."

"Ah, in that case, I'll take some Adamantine and some iron. May I know how much those ores will cost?"

"Sure. Adamantine is valued at 1 platinum coin per ingot, iron at 5 gold coins per ingot, and the lighter yet more durable sky iron is set at 20 gold coins per ingot but it has lower magic conductivity. Additionally, the rare meteoritite, obtained from meteors, is priced at 3 platinum coins per ingot, although I have very little of it. I have copper and bronze as well, though it doesn't look like you want them." She said so proudly, laying out the ores she had in stock.

(Master, I would suggest you buy everything.)

(Well, I don't know if she will sell them.)

(Let's ask)

"I-I see. It seems you have a diverse collection of ores."

"Tell me which ones you want to buy."

"Let's see. I'll take 2 ingots of Adamantine, 5 ingots of iron, 5 ingots of sky iron and 1 ingot of meteoritite. Will that be possible?"

"Hmm, of course. Are you buying for a noble?"

"No, it's for me."

"I-I see. Are you a blacksmith, perhaps? I've never seen you before."

"No, I'm an alchemist. I've just recently arrived in Astrya."

"I see. So, you want to mix the ores with potions or something?"

"No, I'm thinking of making a sword. I can shape metals with Alchemy."

(Master, don't.)

"Wh-what did you say? I have never heard of Alchemy being used to make weapons."

Her gaze became interested, and she looked me up and down, and slowly her gaze fell on the sword hanging from my hips.

"That sword on your hip. Did you make it?"

"Ahaha, yes, I did. It is made from iron."

(Master........your Alchemy is vastly different from the one they call Alchemy in this world.)

(What? Why didn't you tell me sooner?)


"May I see it?"

She said extending her hand as if she'll grab it at the slightest hint of refusal.


I took out the sword from the scabbard and gave it to her. She took out a magnifying glass from somewhere and began to examine it. She was flipping the sword from time to time and waving it other times.

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