Chapter 36

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Then the focus began to move from the star and slowly zoomed onto a green colored planet. It was the third planet from the star.

As it began to dive deeper into the planet, we could see that it was a planet filled with greenery. It began to sweep over the planet and we saw that about sixty percent of the planet was filled with blue clear water. We also began to see lush forests and wide valleys. The valleys were filled with beautiful cities and countless number of elves going about their business. It looked to be a peaceful place filled with beautiful memories.

The buildings were made of shiny glass like metals and they gleamed brightly in the sunlight. We could hear the laughter of elven children and other people coming from the hologram.

Then the scenery began to shake and it abruptly changed to a brightly lit room.

An elf with a regal appearance came into view. He had a shining crown on his head and his long blond hair elegantly fell on his shoulders. He was talking to a group of elves sitting around a round table. They were discussing something.

"Where did it fall?"

The man asked with a complicated look on his face.

"On the Tiveril highway, Your Majesty."

Another said.

"Are you sure it's the same object?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. It's the same black meteor written about in our scriptures."

A hooded man in a white robe said bowing his head.

Then the scenery changed again to show us a rain of black meteors falling on a long highway made of reflecting metal. It looked like a cyclone had passed through. There were countless vehicles and corpses of elves strewn about.

Then, it began to zoom onto a meteor. The fallen meteor slowly began to chip away and a black creature reared its head. It was the Krigu. I clasped the hilt of my sword tighter and could feel the Adamantine cutting into my hand. I heard Ashryn gasp near me.

As the view zoomed out, we could see countless meteors still falling from the sky and the ground littered with them. Black creatures were coming out from all of them.

Smoke rising from the impact painted a gloomy landscape with the smoke blocking the sunlight. Muffled screams could be heard from the projection.

The projection then began to move towards the city. As the view concentrated on the city, we could see the panic spreading all over the place. Elves were running holding onto their families as the creatures invaded their houses. Houses and vehicles were being torn apart by their bare hands.

We could see countless elves in armor and robes fighting the creatures. They wore golden colored attires and were firing projectiles from their hands. As it zoomed out again, we could see armies consisting of thousands of elves charging towards the black creatures. The view zoomed out more and we could see the war happening all over the planet.

Then the projection began to shake again and it began to concentrate on the space surrounding the planet.

At first, there was nothing. But slowly, a large structure began to become visible. It was a long cylindrical shaped ship and it was continuously firing projectiles towards the planet. It resembled the black meteors that were falling all over the planet but it was much longer. It felt organic as we could see the surface move up and down as though breathing.

The view zoomed out again and we could make out more of these spaceships, all firing projectiles. The focus then slowly turned onto a dark spot in the sky. The projection began to vibrate with the images going in and out of focus but eventually a extraordinarily large spaceship came into view. It looked like the mothership. It was silently watching over the smaller ships. I could feel the strong malice coming from the ship even though it was a projection. Large red lights coming from the ship were sweeping over the smaller ships as if commanding them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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