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He is suspicious. Suspicious about everything that happened in his life and that has happened in his life before it could have been noticed. He was so doubtful about what is relation between he and that place.

A dark place. Yes, a dark place with rocks all around and nothing else. Not even a single sign of life can be seen. Not even a single creature was present there. Only a few trees which were like dead only were there. These trees were dry and looked scary enough without any leaves on them.

Only one single soul was present there. That was none other than DEV. He was there in bv attire but on reaching there he heard some sounds which were hurting him. He changed his attire to dev and tried to ignore these sounds but this was not helping at all.

Cries, screams, guilt, pain, prediction, hurt, broken... These were the feelings, he witnessed. But he couldn't figure out what exactly led to a sudden arise in these feelings to an extent that he is also now feeling this.

He went to an open place where no sound could be heard except his heartbeat which has increased while listening to the painful screams like someone died and others are mourning over his/her death.

He didn't know when those screams became so loud that it hurted his ears. He don't know what was happening but then he saw a hologram type image near a tree which didn't even have a single leaf. That hologram was of a person whose body was fully covered in blood and his face was having so many injuries.

He moved close to see the face which was difficult to see as that hologram was blurred and then when he reached halfway he saw some movement near that person.

That person seemed to smile. A painful smile or say mysterious. He was dying but still a small smile adored his face which confused Dev.
Dev thought of seeing that person's face. As he moved closer, he heard a weeping sound coming through hologram and then it disappeared as if a video is stopped. Dev was there confused that why that hologram was there and why it suddenly disappeared without showing what happened to that person?

He went to a place nearby where a temple was there. At temple, he saw a door which was locked from many centuries. And NO ONE was able to unlock it.

Dev moved little closer to the door closer to the door to examine when the path filled with dust and dirt cleared and doors opened. Strong wind blew, atmosphere changed suddenly. Screaming of winds were painful to ears. He managed to enter the temple and saw a statue of God. He bowed and prayed for help.

Soon, he saw a token shaped inscribed on the wall behind statue. He touched it and the wall gets divided and leads to a new path. He moved inside that tunnel like path and reached a place with a book floating in the air. That book was the same book which Anushka told him once.

He opened the book and read everything written in it. It tell about the past -the unforgettable past. It's the past which tells the reason for the bhavishyavani which till now rules many lives.

Bv is the person mainly affected by that futuristic prediction which lead him to a life where he actually has to sacrifice everything. Even his love. Ananya whose life is affected by timnasa who is also the main part of it. Vivaan who is bv because of this reason only. Rani maa left her both sons unintentionally because of this reason.

But this book will tell bv only limited things about his past and we all know half knowledge is always dangerous.

Bv was reading the pages while his expressions were changing constantly.

The atmosphere outside became silent eventually. It was as silent as death.

Death is Silence itself. Silence is also silent...

To be continued...

Sry for short chapter due to lack of time...
This is the short intro for the Revelation of big mystery which is in the next chapter 😉

Tie ur seat belts because

How was the chapter 😇??

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THE MYSTERY OF UNKNOWN RELATIONS जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें