Chapter -73

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Like these days passed but something didn't changed was the urge of guru maa to meet her sons. She wasn't allowed to cross the boundary and whenever she tried to do so she was caught and punished by locking her in a nearby small 4 sided covered rock build room with nothing in it and just two bricks were left to let her live however how many times she tried the order of the king always became obstacle in that path. The path to reach her sons.

Even the most deadliest punishment it would be for a mother to listen that her sons were told they are orphan and they are broken 💔 for not having a family.

She could do nothing. NOTHING. She tried to either kill the guards stopping her or kill herself for letting her sons go to a totally unknown place.

However she wasn't the only one who was trying to find them.Shiva never forget her mother. Veer may not remember and saw the rani as the mother figure as she was kind and has been told half convo only that they are orphan.

In eyes of rani, her husband was doing a great job by giving shelter to two kids whose family is not alive but little did she know that she was not told truth. She was like mother for both of them. She didn't have her own child so she became the mother for them however she knew that shiva being older might have seen her mother so he might not accept her so she told him to call her as "RANI MAA".

Shiva however told rani maa that his mother is waiting for them. But rani was told by her husband that these kids don't know that their mother is dead so she should agree with whatever they said so rani always diverted the topic.

Shiva however always remembered his words. Time passes but his urge of reaching back to his mother was growing stronger and stronger with time.

Time heals every wound. But it was wrong in this case. Guru maa's condition worsen. She usually was unwell and roam in the forest like a maniac. She was sometimes attacked by animals but the fate didn't want her to die without a reunion with her sons. Now the villagers whose children uses to come to guru maa for education started taking care of her and for her sake everyone go to the forest in order to find her sons.

But everyone has a limit to help. And that limit reached when after 5 years also guru maa want to find her sons. Someone said they died with king's order. Someone said "yeh pagal hai isse aise hi rehne do iska bura asar humare bacho par padega"

And one by one everyone left. Guru maa went to forest everyday. She didn't eat for few days. Her diet became irregular. She came back wounded but didn't care to apply medicine.

God knows how she was alive all these years and the next few years. Maybe the words of her son kept her alive.

On the other hand, veer grew as a normal happy child but nobody knows that why his first word 'maa' came out of his mouth in the direction opposite to rani maa.

Lil. Veer (2yrs)was standing in the garden and he has not spoken a word since he was brought to palace. But he started talking when one day he was in garden of the palace and the word MAA came out of his mouth and to everyone's surprise he said it in the direction of the forest where guru maa was finding her sons. Rani maa was standing behind him. She called him but he kept saying maa looking in the forest's direction only.

That day only Shiva was able to understand the reason. Guru maa searching for her sons felt like her son is calling her. It was like cool breeze carrying the voice of her son hit her eardrums. She felt peace and that was the only day she felt it afterwards her fate started getting worse.

Shiva and veer were taught excellent fighting skills right from childhood. They had respect for king and soft corner for rani maa. But however they were punished hard with a hunter on their back whenever they committed any mistake.

Sometimes Shiva took veer's punishment also. He fulfilled his promise very well. They weren't allowed to leave the palace as king feared that he might lose his WEAPONS.

Whenever a war occurred, they both were always sent to other side where they won't coincide with their mother.

King tried each and every way to make their destiny like two parallel lines which would never meet. But he forgot that a line cutting these parallel lines would connect them again. And this line was soon going to come in their lives.

Shiva tried every way to reach his mother and king tried every way to fail his attempt.

Shiva fulfilled his promise with whole care he could give to veer. He was the one who make veer aware about the fact that rani maa was not their real mother with full care not to hurt him but he didn't tell him about guru maa who is waiting for them to return.

According to shiva, telling veer about guru maa and the scenario happened years ago would not be less than danger. Veer was so sensitive that he would went against the whole Kingdom alone just to meet his mother who was waiting for their reunion. It could result in his life at stake. And Shiva didn't want his brother to be in such a situation as he was now his family.

How much he tried to adjust and consider rani maa and other people who were nice to him to consider as his family but Only his real blood brother was the only one he could share everything with. The only one he could love and call as his family. He had respect for others too but his family was just of three people, him, veer and guru maa out of which his brother is there only.

Shiva now made a promise to tell veer about guru maa only when they will meet her again.
To be continued...
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THE MYSTERY OF UNKNOWN RELATIONS जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें