Chapter 6

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"Samuel, Samuel! Guess what?! Guess what?!" I exclaimed and Samuel gave me an annoyed look

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"Samuel, Samuel! Guess what?! Guess what?!" I exclaimed and Samuel gave me an annoyed look. He was throwing a ball with his friends and I knew that I was in the way but I wanted to tell him about the boy.

"Not now, Julieta," he told me and catched the ball his friends threw at him.

"But it's very fast I just have to tell you, please," I begged him and he sighed and threw the ball back.

"Fine what is it?" I smiled at his question as he crouched down to me. He had gotten really tall and I was still very small.

"This boy he showed me to the strawberries and he had a pretty smile and pretty green eyes and he was so nice to me and he knew my name but I don't know his name," I rambled and Samuel nodded. "He said he was twelve years old when I asked him but I was so stupid I didn't ask for his name..."

"Hold up," Samuel interrupted me and I went quiet. "How old did you say he was?"

"Twelve, why?" I asked and Samuel stood up.

"I'm going to beat the shit out of him," Samuel said and I frowned.

"Why? Don't do that, he was so nice," I told him and Samuel scoffed.

"He's my age J, way too old for you," Samuel spoke and I pouted. Samuel was 13 years old but sometimes he seemed my age by his behavior. Right now he was being silly.

Samuel started walking really fast and I chased after him. Did he know who the boy was?

I saw the boy talking to another boy and he smiled at me before seeing Samuel. His eyes widened and his smile faded.

"Pedazo de mierda!" Samuel exclaimed and grabbed him by the collar. Samuel punched him in the face and I screamed of horror. Samuel threw the boy to the ground and our parents came.

Translation: You piece of shit!

My mother grabbed me and my dad pushed Samuel away. "She's eight, you're sick! Don't you dare speak to her again!" Samuel yelled but dad was still pushing him away and then inside.

My mother let me down and I ran to the boy. I needed to make sure he was okay, he was sitting on the ground and smiled at me when I came up to him.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he nodded.

"I'm fine," he responded and I started to look for bruises in his face. "Julieta I'm fine, I promise," he assured me and I sighed.

"Are you sure?" I asked and he nodded. "Oh, I almost forgot, what's your name?"

He smiled at my question. "Why don't you guess?" he told me again and I sighed.

"Mateo, Leo, Simón, Adrian," I rambled and he shook his head at them all.

"Julieta," I heard Samuel's voice behind me and the boy stood up.

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