Chapter 42

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A few days later I was sitting in my room when Noemi and Miranda entered my room

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A few days later I was sitting in my room when Noemi and Miranda entered my room.

"Hey, how are you?" Miranda asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know, everything is just so weird," I answered and Noemi nodded.

"Yeah, there's like a totally different vibe in the entire house," Noemi said and I sighed.

"I wish we could go back to before the mission but I can't keep living in the past, I need to focus on other things. Anyway, how are you?" I questioned them and Noemi smiled.

"I'm good. Luca and I are in a really good place right now so I'm happy," she responded and Miranda smiled too.

"Yeah, same. Manuele and I are going on dates all the time and hanging out all the time. It's just amazing," Miranda spoke and I smiled.

"I'm so happy for you," I replied and Miranda raised her eyebrows.

"Soon you'll be happy too," she told me and I nodded.

"I hope so."

"Now, come let's go downstairs and eat. Manuele is cooking," Noemi said and we all stood up.

We walked downstairs and Luca, Gavino, Samuel and Manuele were standing there talking.

I froze but kept walking when I got eye contact with Gavino. "Oh, good everyone is here! Let's eat guys!" Manuele exclaimed and everyone sat down around the table.

I sat down next to Miranda at the corner of the table. She was next to Manuele. Samuel was sitting at the head of the table by me, Gavino across from me and Noemi and Luca next to Gavino.

"Okay, so. How's everyone doing?" Luca asked as everyone started to take food.

I zoned out and just stared at my food.

I had no appetite. But I couldn't show that to them.

They would be concerned of why I wasn't eating.

I was eating just not as much as before.

I started to play with my food so it would look like I had eaten it. I felt a foot kick my shin and looked up and made eyes with Gavino.

He frowned at me and I just looked down at my food again.

I picked up a piece of chicken and put it in my mouth. I struggled to chew and swallow it but after a while I did.

The food did look delicious but I just didn't want to eat it. Everyone continued to talk and I just sat there quietly and tried to force down food. It didn't go so well.

After a while everyone was done so we cleaned up after us and everyone left. I stayed though. I sat down on the floor and had my back against the counter.

Footsteps approached me and I was about to stand up to hide that I was sad when I saw that it was Gavino.

I sunk down again and he crouched down in front of me. "Why aren't you eating?" he asked and I held my head in my hands.

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