Chapter XVIII - The secret diary

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30.Mar – Media Day at Australia

The next day started not so peacefully as usual. A loud noise in the distance and a swear in French woke me up. I opened my eyes and turned around to find out that the other half of my bed was empty. The last thing I remember is that Charles was with me, and I fall asleep in his arms. But where was he now? I lifted the blanket up and realized I am still in my clothes from yesterday.

Something was happening outside of the bedroom because I heard a scraping noise, probably from the chair legs. That made me immediately jump out of my bed. I rushed to the kitchen from where the cacophony was coming.

There I saw Charles fighting with the blender on the plottable next to the sink, while there were fruits scattered on the floor. He was such a comic picture, leaning himself forward, observing the device, looking like Tarzan in the modern world. I didn't want to be cruel, so I covered my mouth with hands, trying to hold my laughter.

- Va te faire foutre! – shouted Charles and threw the parts of the blender in the sink. – Putain d'appareils stupides!

- Oh, Mio Dio! – I couldn't help myself and burst out in laughter. – I didn't know you could use such a bad language, Charlie!

The Monegasque turned in my direction and looked at me with huge surprise. Obviously, he didn't expect me to be there. Suddenly his cheeks became red, and the boy bowed his head, while rubbing his nape nervously. Poor one, he was so shy. Amidst all this mess in the kitchen, I noticed the neat little metal table on wheels in the living room. It was clear, room service had come, probably they brought the fruits, which were now all over the floor.

- What is happening here Charles? – I asked showing the mess with my hand.

- Ugh, I woke up here earlier and called room service – sighed Leclerc placing his hands on his waist. – I've decided to make a smoothie for both of us, but the fucking blender is broken and... Maybe I broke it even more, but anyway... I accidentally pushed the bowl of fruits and now you see the result.

- Oh, so that's what happens when a Lord tries to prepare a royal breakfast – I chuckled, but Charles didn't find it funny at all. – Oh, come on! Let me help you clean all the...

- No, no, I'll tidy up! I am used to make things by myself!

Leclerc seemed offended when he said that.

- Uffa, don't get mad... - I approached him. – I was just kidding, Charlie!

- Well, at least you stop calling me by my surname – he noticed collecting the fruits from the floor. – It was terrible!

- I could start again... Leclerc – I chuckled, and the Monegasque gave me a criminal offensive side eye.

I tried to hold it up, but it was stronger than me. His facial expression made me laugh even more. Charles looked at me cold but sooner after that he couldn't handle it and finally started laughing with me. We collected the fruits again in the bowl and placed it next to the sink.

- This morning we will miss the smoothie – Leclerc remarked looking at the broken blender.

- I am not a big fan of them anyway – I waved casually with hand, then laughed nervously.

- You are in a good mood this morning – Charles smiled sliding his eyes over me.

- That's because I finally got the amount of sleep I needed – I explained sitting on one of the bar chairs. – You have already dressed in your uniform. When did you get up?

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