Chapter XXX - By the team principal

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05.May – FP1 and FP2 at Miami

I spent the previous day in my apartment with Kika and Isa taking care of me. I had a terrible headache and could barely get out of the bed to drink some coffee. The headache was for obvious reasons - the whole day under the hot sun, combined with the two shots of vermouth and tequila I had to drink because we were playing "Truth or Dare", and my lovely girlfriends challenged me to drink the shots or share which of the attendees I would spend a wild night. I preferred to drink. Working here definitely didn't affect me in a very positive way.

So, I asked the guys to tell the team principals that I would be going online from my room during the meeting we were about to discuss the strategy for the weekend. I was still basking in the laurels of the previous race, but I preferred not to impose myself so much this time, and to give Ravin a chance to perform, and I only to consult. And this time they allowed me to lead the race communication, Jain and I easily agreed how the weekend should go - medium and hard for the first practice, medium for the second, softs at the end and all softs for the Qualifying. For the race, it depended on Friday's performance, but I preferred to bet on medium and hard, a strategy with one pit stop and a tire change at a possible safety car or around 17. lap.

I was happy, but little worried that we had prepared too much for Baku and the time for Miami was too little. I really hoped that we would be able to achieve the success from Baku and finally get out of the black streak we entered this season.


On Friday morning I woke up fully rested and ready for my return to the paddock. I put on my uniform, a light makeup, the lucky jewelry and let my hair down. Once I was completely done with my look, I grabbed my laptop bag and purse, put my sunglasses on, and left the room.

Just then, the next door opened and Charles, who was also dressed in his new uniform, unbuttoned and a black T-shirt underneath, paired with baggy blue jeans, jumped out to meet me. He loved oversized clothes, but they also fit him well. In fact, every time I saw him in something oversized, my mind started playing with the thoughts of what was hiding under those clothes. But I had also seen his naked body twice live, and in fact that was exactly what stood out in front of my eyes.

- Ciao, bella! – he greeted me with a little smirk, hugging me. – I missed you at the paddock yesterday. How are you now?

- Charles, I saw your football workout with Carlos and didn't seem to miss me at all – I said smiling.

- Oh, it was a good way to fill the time and not thinking about your absence – he winked.

- You will make me blush, Leclerc! – I laughed bowing my head.

- It wouldn't be the first time, darling – the Monegasque lifted my chin up with his fingers, making me shiver. – By the way, may I see your sunglasses?

Before giving him an answer, Leclerc took the sunglasses of my eyes, and I gave him an outraged look.

- Hey, they are...

- They are not Ray Ban! – he noticed. – Where are mine?

- I gave them to Andrea... - I shrugged shoulders. – Though he gave them back to you.

- Nope, he didn't... - Charles shook his head. – But these here leave in the history...

He turned around and got inside his room running. I saw him throwing my sunglasses in the trash can, then came back to me.

- What are you doing Leclerc?! – I started shouting. - These sunglasses are expensive, and...

- And these here are expensive too, but also from a brand, that is our sponsor and you should wear them this week! – he said giving me a leather case with Ray Ban logo on it.

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