Chapter XXXVII - Under the influence

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25. May – That Thursday in Monaco

When I got back to the apartment, I immediately ran to "my" room and hurried to lock myself. It was only because I was in Charles' home that I didn't break everything around me. I was going crazy. I was going crazy because for the first time I couldn't dominate. Vasseur controlled me, he had me in his hands and no matter how much I tried to resist, he could move me like a puppet on strings. He used my excessive ambition, my attraction to Charles, to manipulate me. And I couldn't deal with him because I knew he was crazy enough to realize whatever he was threatening me. He could have done nothing else for the team, but to damage my career future and that of Leclerc, certainly would. Because Vasseur was a reckless egotist who, when doesn't get what he wants, starts to hurt. In every way. Behind his smile and pompous words during interviews, he was hiding his true demonic nature that only I seemed to see. We had declared war on each other a long time ago, but it was only a matter of time before it escalated.

I took off the wet dress and threw it on the ground. Then kicked my shoes into the corner of the room and threw myself face down on the bed. Who needed all of this? Why couldn't I work peacefully, without any problems, without any dramas... Why did there always have to be something? Couldn't everything just be arranged, and no third parties interfere in the lives of both of us. Couldn't we just be happy... Together?

After the self-pitying thought, I got out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. I've decided to get my bath ready as I was sure it would take some time for Charles to come back home and probably start asking me why I left all of a sudden. While the bath was filling, I went to the bedroom to get a hair band and as I approached my bedside table, I remembered the envelope I had dropped before I left. I looked around as if to make sure I was completely alone, then opened the drawer and took the letter out of it. I opened the envelope and took out the folded piece of paper yellowed with time. After which ran into the bathroom and locked that door as well - double security to remain completely isolated from everything and everyone. I sat on the edge of the tub and after a heavy sigh, as if for courage, I started reading:

"Dear Petit Beauté!

Forgive me for disappearing for so long, we haven't written in almost a month, but a lot has happened. I understand that your brother visited you in Persia... and discovered our letters. I returned to our homeland, you know that there is a lot of trouble in the country now, and I am directly involved with the government. But your brother also came back to Italy and met me. We had a bad fight like never before, because he thought it was wrong for me to keep trying to reach for you after everything that happened between us, and you now have a husband... But you know that nothing can stop me my dear, I am so deeply in love with you and even though I haven't received a single answer from you, I know that you haven't forgotten me either. I decided to indulge in creativity for a few days and here, with the help of my brother, I made a bracelet for you. I haven't given you a wedding present yet, so in the envelope with this letter you will also find the bracelet. My closest person, Angelo, will travel to you for several days and nights to deliver it to you. May you meet to receive my gift of love and carry it with you always. Your brother will not stop me in any way. My dear Petit Beauté, I miss you every day that you are away from me, but I really hope that the Prince takes good care of you and loves you just as much as you deserve... And as I love you! But I will always wait for you. Remember it! I love you!

Your sincere, Chess Player."

I wiped my tears away and stood up. Oh, how bad I felt for Chess. I sympathized with him. I knew what it was like to have an unrequited love burning your heart. If only Petit Beauté and Chess had met a little earlier, they would probably be happy together, having a big family and enjoying the time together. She didn't have a choice, otherwise I'm sure she would have stayed in Italy and married Chess. Moreover, from his letters I understood that he was from high society, his work related to the government... But this also has its negatives, because of his position in society, he was also not completely free to make decisions on his own. I wanted to know what happened to her too. Did she get the letter and the bracelet. Did she wear this beautiful piece of jewelry. But even more interesting to me was how it was possible for the bracelet to come first to Charles and then to me.

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