Chapter LII - Pillow talk

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30.Jun. - Qualifying day

I spent the night in the small living room in Carlos' apartment. I waited until he was fast asleep so I could get out of his grip and read the new letter from Chess to the princess.

"Dear Petit Beauté,

I am writing to you after a long absence, for which I am very sorry. I had actually decided not to bother you as after meeting your husband, I knew you were in good hands... Probably he really is the one, so in an attempt to forget you for a period of time, I settled down away from the government duties in our country. I found a very nice place - a castle, on top of a mountain in the Alps. The town at the foot of the mountain is small and cozy, and the place where I live is quite isolated from people, and this gave me peace for a certain period of time. I found time for myself, to rethink my life, I even found a new hobby - I learned to play the piano. I have a huge white piano in the middle of a big ballroom and the truth is... I dream of seeing you one day, dancing with me here.

I miss you Petit Beauté and can't stop thinking about you. That's why I decided to write to you again and go back to Italy to continue with my work. In the meantime, you were my muse to write music the whole time, and I put one of the rubies on the case of the piano to remind me of you and keep me inspired. I hope you visit this unique place one day and see where I left a piece of myself... for you.

Your faithful,

Chess player."

Clutching a letter in my hands, I hadn't realized when I fell asleep. The thoughts in my dreams revolved around only one thing - I imagined the princess and Chess dancing together in the great hall of the castle, alone, away from everyone, devoted only to the feelings they feel for each other. Pure and true love, eternal, which nothing and no one can destroy.

I woke up to the door hinges creaking. Within seconds I opened my eyes and crumpled up the letter, tucking it into the wide sleeve of my robe. There it was certain that it would not be seen by anyone entering the room at the moment.

- Muñeca, why are you here? - I heard the sleepy hoarse voice of Carlos and jumped from the sofa.

- You were snoring - was the first thing that occurred to me to say.

- Pardon?! - exclaimed the Spaniard. - They have never complained about me snoring before.

- They didn't complain? - I raised my eyebrows. - Which Carlos? The thousands of women you've slept with?

- Lissa, why do you twist my words like that? - he was indignant and approached me.

I looked down at his body. He was only in boxer shorts, and his bare skin was bristling.

- I don't twist them - I crossed my arms in front of my chest. - I'm just waiting for an explanation who are the people who didn't complain.

- Muñeca 90% of my time I spend with men - Sainz smiled gently and came even closer to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. - I don't know why your first thought was like that, but I like to see little signs of jealousy in you.

- Not signs of jealousy - I sulked.

- Oh, Muñeca, don't deny it, I see it in your eyes!

He chuckled and leaned in to kiss my lips, but I turned away. Carlos stopped for a moment and looked at me up and down in shock. I thought for a moment and realized how stupid I was acting. In order to conceal the letter, and out of panic not to be discovered, I became unnecessarily rude.

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