Chapter XL - "Play for me..."

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28. May – Monaco GP

Two hours later came the expected 3 places grid penalty, exactly how I calculated. Which meant Charles was going to start P6 tomorrow. We were all gathered in the conference room, in a minor mood, Charles and Carlos on either side of me, and me with ice on my knuckles. Xavier was sitting across from us with two tampons in his nose and every time we were crossing our sights, I was making a face like Dr. Lecter from "The Silence of the Lambs". Yeah, I know I looked like a serial killer, but with a co-worker like Xavi, who would not. During all the silent waiting Charles was playing with his Forza Ferrari bracelet while Carlos' "system" crashed... Again. The moment FIA's ​​statement arrived and Vasseur read it out to the whole team, the tension in the room reached its peak.

I lost my temper again and threw the ice pack at Xavier, but he managed to get away and I hit the wall with it. Then I jumped up from my seat, intending to get to Xavier and break his nose for a second time, but Sainz reacted quickly and grabbed my waist, pulling me back to my place. Xavier and I began to exchange insults in a high-pitched tone, and perhaps all of Monaco could hear us. All this time, however, Charles did not move from his chair. He stood with his head bowed, his expression sad and his whole body screaming utter exhaustion and frustration.

Vasseur and Mekies tried to bring some order to the chaos I had once again created and asked the entire team to leave the conference room.

- Come on Lissie – Carlos whispered – Let's go for a walk around.

- I'm not a dog to walk around! – I shouted. – I am not going anywhere!

- I insist on leaving now before it's too late – Sainz continued in a serious tone.

- You leave! – I pushed him away from me. – Charles, Charles, please say something for God's sake!

I grabbed my friend's shoulder and shook him, at which point he pushed my hand away and turned to me.

- Merde Lissa, do what they tell you! – he raised his voice. - Leave the room immediately!

Everyone was surprised by the sudden outburst of rage that Charles had shown towards me. It was the first time he had behaved like this. His eyes were watery, and fireballs seemed to be burning in them. He was clenching his jaw so tightly that the veins in his neck stood out. His breathing was rapid and every muscle in his body was tight.

- What do you want me to do? - I asked quietly, swallowing hard-pressed tears.

- I want you to get out... – Leclerc hissed through his teeth. – And to leave me with Mekies and Vasseur... Your presence now only makes things worse!

- Oh really? - I laughed in disbelief. - Then let Mekies and Vasseur wipe your snot at the next disappointment... Because this won't be the last, take my word for it!

Leclerc was shocked, and suddenly his demonic face, distorted by rage, regained its former gentle, angelic appearance. Everyone watched us silently and expectantly, as if they were watching a soap opera, but for me, this was the moment I experienced my first huge disappointment with Charles.

- I am done here! – I said through my teeth and turned my back on him.

I heard both the Monegasque and his teammate calling me, but I slammed the door of the conference room with all my might and headed down the corridor to the changing rooms. I just wanted to get my things and go somewhere. Without knowing where.


A few hours later I was sitting by the rock where Charles and I had last been calm and happy, watching the night fall over the city. The sunset was romantic, but when you have no one to share it with, it's more of a painful transition into the night when all the thoughts flood your head and you start taking stock of the past, present, and future. Kika had sent me a video from social media where Charles leaves the paddock with an escort of 5 people then he and Mekies leave in a boat. The girl had asked where I was at that moment, but I didn't answer her. Maybe later I would call her to take me under their roof for the night or I wouldn't go home at all and stay here by the cliffs. Charles and Carlos had also been calling me, but I was unwilling to answer at all. The fact that Leclerc kicked me out and yelled at me in front of all my colleagues hurt me a lot. Why didn't he want me to be with him like I always was? After all, together we went through, fight against the problems in the team and shared both the good and the bad times. He kissed me, and now he was treating me like an unknown nuisance.

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