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It was a evening and clouds hung
heavy in the sky. haseena was sitting in the car and staring blankly towards the outside. she was drowning in her own mind. she was thinking of how past few months hold her.

she reached her house and was walking to and fro Infront door, trying to overcome her nervousness, she exhaled deeply and pressed the bell. after a minute karishma opened door for her. she looked at her and gave a nervous smile. Karishma looked at her being confused and walked towards the couch.

Haseena stepped inside, closing the door behind her, and walked over to her. she stood beside her where she was watching tv.
Karishma looked over her.

"how are you "haseena asked her with extreme difficulty.

"Fine"Karishma said without looking at her

"this is for you" haseena said while presenting her bouquet of colorful flowers. karishma looked at the flowers and than looked at her. This is the first time in her this life which she now remembered someone and the person who was living with her paid any attention to her.

"For me" she asked not believing it.
"yeah I was walking through a market, I saw there, I thought you might like these"
haseena said to her while presenting flowers to her.

Karishma took the flowers from her hand. And smelled it. It gives such relaxation to her. She felt comfort while smelling them. It looked
familiar to her. She noticed a card inside it she took it, it was a sorry card. She gave haseena a  questionable look. Haseena took flowers from her hand and leave it on table. She made Karishma sit on the couch and than she kneels down in front of her.

"I am so sorry for everything I had done for avoiding you, not helping you, I was the only one you had, and I wasn't there for you during your difficult times. I can't even imagine the pain you're going through, but I promise you, I will fix everything. I will make it right."Tears were streaming down haseena face as she spoke, her voice trembling with emotion.

She took a deep breath before continuing, her voice still shaking. "Zara told me that next week, your new therapies will begin. That will help you to recover completely, and you will regain all your memories." Her eyes locked with Karishma but all she could find was no sign of any recognition.

"But, she pleaded, her voice breaking. "Just remember one thing. I'm always here for you. I will never leave you. You can count on me to be here, by your side, through everything. if you feel something just say it to me. if you feel angry just let it on me. she bowed down her head while her tears fell down on carpet.
and now I promise you, I will fix everything. I will make it right. I'm by your side. I won't leave you for a moment. now you'll not go through alone, we will face this together.

The emotion in her voice was palpable, and there was love and devotion in every word she spoke. It was clear that she was willing to do anything to make it up to her and help her through this difficult time.

karishma looked at the person in front of her, a complete stranger. She had no memory of who she was or how she had come to be in this situation. But as she looked into her eyes, she could sense that she meant something to her. She could feel the pain in her heart, and it was breaking hers in turn.

Karishma reached down for her hand and pulled her up, made her sit on the couch.
" Don't worry".she said softly, even though she didn't know what she was reassuring her about. She might not remember her past, but she knew that She would do anything to ease her pain, even though she didn't know what that pain was or where it came from.

In the evening...

Haseena was sitting on a couch in a living room and was reading a file when she heard the sound of footsteps in living room, carrying a Cleo a white fluffy cat in her arms.
she couldn't help but she was unable to resist this adorable sight before her.The way she always care for Cleo was reflection of her own loving and caring nature. Karishma sat beside her on the couch and continued to stroke it's fur with her delicate fingers and Cleo was nestling contentedly, closing her eyes, against her feeling the warmth and love.

There was a time when haseena hate cats and when she met this special cat she hates Cleo the most. she thought it to be the most moody creature that always needs attention and Karishma is the one who was always behind her. she was angry on karishma to have this in her house. but now today the one thing she realized that the only constant thing in Karishma life was Cleo. Cleo was with her at that time when she needs someone most and now also it was Cleo who is with her when she need someone. this thought made her even more guilty but she was grateful for the moment when Karishma said to her that this cat will be the best thing happen to them. haseena couldn't help but lean closer to karishma to feel the sense of closeness that radiate between them. But after getting a deadly angry glare from Cleo she leaned back, it made her to think that may be one day  Karishma forgive her but this moody creature will never forgive her as her first impression was not so good in her eyes. And haseena knew she has to go a long way she has to work hard to convert those big pair of green eyes who was always starring at her angrily into love.

At Night....

haseena was standing in front of the cupboard, her hand was over the doorknob. She took a deep breath and open the cupboard. she scanned the area until her eyes laid on the bundle of the binded notes at the bottom.

Her heart raced as she reached in and pulled it out, feeling its weight in her hands. This was the book karishma had been working on for months, the one that contained their story. She couldn't shake the feeling that she was reliving her past once again. She ran her fingers over the embossed letters on the cover, feeling a depth of words that reads....

               SUNSET TO REMEMBER

She flipped open the book and the first thing that caught her eye was the dedication. Tears sprang to her eyes as she read those words.

"......In all the world there is no heart for me like yours, In all the world there is no love for you like mine...."

With shaking hands, Haseena turned to the first page and began to read. The words flowed over her, transporting her to a world where their story was started. She let  herself lost in the story.

As the sun began to peek through window, a girl slowly stirred in sleep as she felt a gentle stroke in her hairs. she opened her eyes to see the person.

"Good morning". her mother said with a smile.

"good morning" Ami she rubbed her eyes and said.

"come one get up, I need you to get ready you have to pick her up from the airport otherwise you know na what she will do". her mother said warmly to her while getting up from the bed. "In two days you two are getting married and she has no sense of responsibility".she murmured to herself while getting out of room.

person closed her eyes for a moment and turned to the other side her eyes fell on a picture of her love on the side table. The image of her smiling back at her sent a jolt of excitement through her entire body.
She couldn't help but pick up the photo and gaze at it fondly. Her love's eyes were so kind and warm, and just looking at the picture made her heart swell with love.

she sat up in bed and stretched her arms. she couldn't help but smile at the thought of meeting her love. she stood up, feeling a sense of excitement and nervousness bubble up inside her. and began to get ready for the day ahead.

A girl in late 20s emerged from the terminal of airport. her features were so perfectly crafted. her long hair flowing down her back and sides in a soft waves. the rays of sun were highlighting the light brown tone that was shone within. her eyes were almond shaped. her posture was perfect, her steps were light and effortless on ground. her clothing was simple but elegant. she was a perfect mixture of classic and modern elements.
But what stuck me most about her was not physical beauty bht her aura of confidant grace.

The sight of her took her breath away and she knew that now her heart is in big trouble.

Sometimes the past can feel like an open wound, a painful reminder of what you've lost and what you can never get back. it feels like a weight dragging you down, making it hard to move forward leaving a lasting mark on your heart.....

Now it's time to freeze the present and go back in time where life was.....

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