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Haseena was sitting on her bed, her mind was swirling with questions. "What was he doing here? How does he know about Karishma memory? Did he told anything about her past?" She got up and started to paced in the room, lost in her thought.

A knock on the door interrupted her. Haseena glanced at the entrance, and saw karishma standing there, her anxiety momentarily revealed. Karishma entered, and Haseena, without meeting her eyes, "Ap ka dost chala gya."

"Yes he is gone hee said he has some work."Karishma said while coming towards her.

As Haseena continued to pace, Karishma observed her, sensing the tension. After a while still feeling her presence Haseena looked at her and said. " I am ordering food for for you, I'm too tired to cook," she picked up her phone.

"No don't...." Karishma quickly said. "today Nina has called us for dinner."

Haseena put down her phone, "I'm not hungry. You go ahead. I need some rest," Haseena replied, avoiding eye contact.

Karishma, sensing the subtle signals, left the room, leaving Haseena to grapple with the unanswered questions swirling in her mind.

Karishma went upstairs, finding Nina arranging plates on the dining table.

"Come, I've been waiting for you." she said while gesturing her.

Karishma entered, "where is haseena." Nina asked.

"She's not feeling hungry and said she is tired, taking some rest." she said while taking place at seat.

"I wanted all of us together." Nina said with a disappointment.

"It's okay, Nina. Some other time." Karishma reassured her.

Nina agreed, "Alright, let's eat. I'm really hungry." They began their meal, and as Nina savored the flavors.

"What happened?" Nina asked with a concern when she noticed  Karishma lost expression..

"What...." karishma said focusing on her.

"Come one you know you can't hide it." she said with a smile.

Karishma hesitated but eventually admitted, "Nothing, just feeling a bit off today."

Nina said gently, "You know you can talk to me, right?" 

Karishma sighed, "Haseena seems upset about something, but I don't know what's bothering her."

Nina smiled and gently asked, "But why do you want to know?"

Karishma sighed, "Because she helps me so much, and I want to do the same for her."

"She is mature enough to handle her problems Karishma It's her problem, she will deal with it."

Karishma paused looked at Nina, realizing the truth in Nina's words. "You're right, it's just that..... I want to be there for her, but I don't know how."

Nina nodded, "I can understand  but sometimes, people need their space to figure out some things. Let her come to you when she's ready." Karishma nodded.

Nina leaned in, and softly said. "Karishma, people have different ways of dealing with their problems. Sometimes, just knowing you're there is enough."

Karishma nodded thoughtfully, "You're right, Nina. I'll give her the space she needs but reassure her that I'm here whenever she's ready to talk."

Nina smiled, "That sounds like a good, supporting someone doesn't always mean solving their problems. Sometimes, it's about being a steady presence in their life."

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