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"Our duty is to be useful, not according to our desires, but according to demands"

As Haseena was trying to comprehend the situation told by manager and tried desperately to reach Raj, her fingers trembling, she dialed his number, only to be met with the hollow sound of his voicemail. Panic surged through her veins, pushing her into action. Without wasting a moment, she raced towards her car, her heart pounding in her chest. Every passing second felt like an eternity as she rushed towards the place she believed Raj might be. Just as anxiety threatened to consume her, her phone ranged through the silence, its ringtone breaking through her racing thoughts. She immediately picked it up, hoping beyond hope that it would be Raj on the other end.

" Haseena, it's Sara. There's been an emergency. We need you immediately," Sara said, her voice filled with worry.

"I'm on the other side of the hospital. I won't be able to reach in time. Please consult another senior," Haseena replied, her voice filled with urgency.

"The case is serious, and there are no other seniors in the hospital right now. You're the only one," Sara explained, her concern evident.

"Alright, I'll be there as soon as possible. Provide the patient with basic first aid," Haseena said, determination in her voice, as she swiftly made her way back to the hospital.

When Haseena arrived at the hospital, she noticed nurses rushing past her in a hurry. Sara approached her, and together they made their way to the cabin.

"Dr. Haseena, the victims arrived ten minutes ago. It was a multiple car collision, and the injuries are severe," Sara disclosed the information as Haseena prepared herself for the operation theater.

"Has anyone informed their families? Have you signed all the necessary papers?" Haseena asked, her mind focused on the task at hand.

"No, We haven't had a chance yet. Here are the papers. The victim's name is Abhiman Roy," Sara replied, handing over the documents.

Haseena's eyes widened with shock upon hearing the patient's name. She quickly checked the papers to confirm, her heart pounding.

"Okay, we need to save him at any cost. Time is of the essence," Haseena said, her voice filled with determination, as she hurriedly stepped out of the cabin.

As she made her way towards the operating theater, a sudden realization struck her, and she swiftly turned to face Sara.

"You mentioned 'victims.' Who is the other person? Where is he?" Haseena asked, her voice trembling with worry.

"I'm sorry, Dr. Haseena. Before reaching here, he succumbed to his injuries. He is dead" Sara replied, her voice filled with sorrow.

Haseena hurried down the hallway, her heart racing in her chest. The air felt heavy, adding to her growing fear. She arrived at the room and her eyes fell upon the bed, where a lifeless figure lay beneath the white sheets. Emotions surged through her, causing her feet to tremble as she approached, afraid of what she would uncover.

With shaking hands, Haseena reached for the edge of the sheet, taking a deep breath to prepare herself. As she pulled back the covers, her heart sank. There, before her, was Raj, his face marked by multiple injuries. Her beloved, her soulmate, now lay motionless.

Time stood still as Haseena stood frozen, unable to believe what she saw. It felt as though the world had stopped, and reality took on a nightmarish quality. How could this be real? It felt like just yesterday they were celebrating their engagement, eagerly anticipating their future together. Now, their dreams were shattered.

Grief overwhelmed Haseena, threatening to consume her entirely. She felt a deep, indescribable pain in every fiber of her being. Her soul cried out in anguish as she clung desperately to the memories they had shared. The laughter, the tender moments, the promises of forever—they all felt distant, lost in the vast emptiness that now filled her heart.

Sarah, Haseena's trusted friend and colleague, entered the room, witnessing the raw anguish on Haseena's face. She approached with a gentle presence, offering a small comfort amidst the storm of emotions.

Sarah could clearly understand the situation from Haseena's condition and emotions, but she knew she couldn't afford to be emotional right now, as there was someone else who needed them urgently. She approached Haseena and gently placed her hand on her shoulder.

"I'm sorry for your loss, Haseena, but I have to tell you that there is another victim who needs your immediate attention right now."

Upon hearing this, anger surged through Haseena. She knew deep down that the other victim was responsible for Raj's death.

"I'm sorry, I can't do this. Call someone else," Haseena said with firmness in her voice.

"Please, Haseena, there is no one else available at the moment. If it were possible, I wouldn't have asked you. Please don't let your personal and professional lives mix. You're a doctor, and as a doctor, our duty and priority are to provide the best care regardless of our feelings. Tell me, if you make this decision based on emotions, will you ever forgive yourself? Please, Haseena," Sarah pleaded, trying to make Haseena understand the urgency of the situation. She knew that if Haseena made this decision out of anger, she would regret it for the rest of her life.

With her oath echoing in her mind, Haseena locked eyes with Sarah, finding solace in her understanding nod. Determination welled up within her, urging her to push aside her tears and summon her inner strength. She made a resolute decision, knowing deep down that she had to set aside her anger and embrace her responsibility as a doctor. Before stepping into the operating theater, she stole one final glance at Raj, cherishing their love and mustering every courage that resided within her.

"Don't let your anger overpower you in the operation theater, Haseena. Right now, he is just a patient," Sarah reminded her as Haseena placed her hand on the OT door's knob.

As the door swung open, Haseena's eyes fell upon the unconscious body lying on the operating table. The room was filled with the humming symphony of medical instruments and the rhythmic beeping of monitors. She approached him, and her team quickly surrounded her, sensing the urgency of the situation. Haseena took hold of the instruments with trembling hands. Sarah understood the emotional weight Haseena carried and looked at her, her eyes filled with empathy.

"Let's do it," Sarah said, offering her support.

Taking a deep breath, Haseena focused all her attention on the task at hand, shutting out the chaotic world around her. She knew she had to provide the best possible treatment to save him. With practiced expertise, she worked tirelessly to mend his ravaged body. After some time, the operation concluded. Haseena closed the incision with steady hands, the culmination of her skills and dedication. Stepping back, she gazed at the monitor, which displayed that he was now out of danger.

"Sarah, first, shift him to the second floor. I'll give you the attendant's number. Her name is Karishma Singh. Call her and inform her that her beloved one is going to die at any time. He has only 20 minutes and he needs to be operated and I'm the only one who can do this." Haseena said with firmness in her voice.

Sara's voice wavered with confusion as she spoke, "But the operation was successful. He's out of danger now."

Haseena nodded, "Yes, we're aware of that. However, this information must remain confined within the walls of this operating room until I say otherwise. And most importantly, ensure that she doesn't see him."

Sara's brows furrowed in further confusion as she tried to reason, "But Dr. Haseena..."

Haseena's voice cut through, firm and unwavering, "I've fulfilled my duty as a doctor. He's safe now. But twenty minutes ago, it was purely a professional matter."

"Now, it is deeply personal."

With those words, Haseena turned and left the operating room, her steps heavy with the weight of her emotions.

"When emotions drive decisions, consequences become life's unwelcome companions." -

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