An A/N

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Hello, readers! Author here. I'm 21 years old now (my birthday was last month), I got engaged recently, and I've moved around a lot, but I also still come by and check up on this book to see how it's doing and to also read the new comments that I'm always getting on it.

I just want to say that I'm still alive, happy and healthy, and that I love that the story still has traction on it; it's definitely a surprise to open up my Wattpad every month or so and then see 100+ notifications, haha! I try my best to read every single one too.

I can't believe that a fanfic that I wrote when I was like 14 still has an active community coming to check it out. Thank you so much for reading everything and for making my day whenever I come back to see how things are doing. Also, I promise that my writing skills have gotten 100x better since I wrote this, but I love reminiscing.

Love you all! Stay well, my friends! <3

- Author

(P.s. I wasn't sure what to use as a header-image, so have a pic of me from this year! Okay, bye-bye!)

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