Little Girl Lost

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Sebastian. Quinn. Hudson. Xander.

The Quads.

Four of the hottest and most dangerous men at my high school and also, fraternal quadruplets.

I ogled them as did all of the other girls, but I knew to keep my distance.

But bullies will be bullies, especially with a feeble little person like me.

"Move... "


I wasn't listening to him though because I had my ear buds in and when he tapped me on the shoulder, I jumped.

"Move, Brewster... fucking spaz."

When I didn't react fast enough, large callused hands found their way underneath my ass and over my shoulders, picking me up and settling me down in a chair across from him.

"You can still look at me if you want to. I see you watching us... Sabrina.. "

I didn't move for a moment. His jet black waves of hair fell into his eyes, sparkling greens of turquoise and aquamarine... His muscled body was larger than most of the men I'd met and he wore a grin that melted me like butter in a fry pan.

Noticing me, noticing him–I blushed, until he licked his lips and ran a hand over his crotch.

I scowled and grabbed my book bag. Someone decided to be nice and stick their foot out, tripping me up and causing me to stumble. I braced for impact on the floor, but fell into a wall of muscle.

Arms wrapped around my waist and as I fumbled for my apology

"You good?"


Blond, tall, blue eyed swimmer.. the broadest shoulders and the brightest smile–also brother to Xander.

"Hey... " Quinn was the nicer of the two.

"She's just falling all over the place for us, Q!" Xander laughed behind me, his brother glaring at him.

I could feel the tears forming in my eyes so I wiggled free from Quinn's grasp and rushed out of the library.

It was never going to end.

It's like I had a big X on my back because I came from nothing and I felt like nothing.

The most upstanding high school academy in the state and I was low on the food chain.

And everyone knew it.

The worst part is that I did come from something, someone's and somewhere.

My parents weren't rich and they went paycheck to paycheck, but we were happy.

I lived a few hours away in urban Aurora, only having traveled to suburban Solitude –which held anything but solitude in my opinion--one time in my life.

Ever since my parents died, I'd come to live with my aunt and uncle who didn't care much for me. It even came as a surprise to me that I had relatives in Solitude.

I was barely 16 and out of my league and they made it known the minute I stepped through the door, I was nothing to them but a slave.

They left me alone for the most part and that was nice, but I couldn't have a car or any new clothes, nothing I really wanted unless I happened to get it myself by chance.

Rare, but it did happen.

"You'll be out at 18. Period."

How was I supposed to do that with no money, no car, no job? I'd have my parent's checks until I was 19,but only if I went to college.

I wanted to go for music and art so I'd already put in for schools far, far away from Solitude.

"Madame Sabrina Brewster... "


"H-hi... " I stuttered as he smiled at me. I was standing in front of the vending machine suddenly realizing I had no money for a drink, but I'd look like a fool if I walked away.

Auburn hair, hazel eyes and a handsomely sinister his brothers, but the absolute gentleman. Too suave, though, too slick.

I decided it was best if I turned away and ran, but Sebastian grabbed my arm.

"Did you decide?"

God, for being groped a lot, I sure didn't try to move away from the Calhoun brothers. They had me wet before the first period.

"Um, nah, I don't want anything... " I caught his gaze.

"Forgot your wallet?"

"Something like that... "

"What do you want? I'll get it. "

I studied his face. He wore a sinister grin and I knew I was doomed.

"Sure. A soda and some chips...please?"

He allowed me to press the buttons, his built like a tank body flush with mine. He was a football player and knew exactly how wanted he was–as did his other brothers.

"Thank you.." I said, nodding in gratitude.

Sebastian smiled and tiptoed along my shoulder with his fingers.

"You're welcome, Sabrina," Then he leaned in and whispered, "You owe me."

"S-sure... " I rushed off like I was running from lava.

Filing into my science class, I spotted Hudson, sitting in the back and playing a game on his phone.

We were supposed to wear uniforms and I hated it. I tried to get the longest skirt I could find, but that day, my option was the shortest maroon skirt in the history of skirts.

I sat in the front and noticed that the teacher kept staring at me, but not me... he was looking at my...

I closed my legs and reddened. I heard a laugh come from the back.

Hudson chuckled, "See something you like up there, Clark?"

The only ones who could get away with talking to a teacher like that were the Calhoun's.

The teacher reddened and continued going over the lesson plans.

I turned to look at Hudson, brown hair, brown eyes, tan from being out skating all the time. He was quiet and sort of reserved, but he still had that air about him that was devilish.

When class was over, I stopped him to thank him for his much needed outburst.

Pushing me closer to the wall in the hallway, I shuddered beneath his body as his friends watched.

"Better keep those legs closed, Brewster... You never know who's gonna be looking at that pussy of yours," He licked his lips and walked off.

I headed to the back lot to retrieve a book from a fellow student, my red hair finding a way to get in my face as the wind whipped up–which also whipped up my skirt.

I gasped, pulling down my skirt and holding it in place.

"Hey! You should wear it even shorter tomorrow, Brewster!" Xander called from his Impala, as Hudson, Quinn and Sebastian crowded around the vehicle.

I was so embarrassed, but fuck my life if they didn't turn me on. I must have been out of my mind.

"Don't let them get to you," Tina said as she glared at the brothers.

"Thanks for letting me borrow the book."

"Let me take you home. Fuck the bus."

"Are you sure?" I perked up, hating the long bus ride anyway.

Tina was my only friend and it was nice to have her around.

"Of course! Get in!"

I did, trying to slide into the seat without showing off my privates.

"Damn, Sabrina! Red looks good on you!"

Xander saw me-he saw my panties.

I met his gaze. It was hooded and dark. He stepped closer to Tina's car and ran a hand over his body.

"I bet you'd look good on me, too."

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