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The Council broke out in angry taunts and whispers leaving Sabrina to hold her head high. She wasn't budging


"The scrolls... "

"You're still royalty!"

The comments came and went, some confused, some sad, mostly angry.

"My title does not represent what my powers can do," Sabrina said, xetermied, "Or what I will do for this side of the Realm."

When the audience did not calm down, Xander stood up and slammed the gavel onto the table. A silence fell over the crowd.

"You will respect her wishes. You will not come for my mate!" His eyes turned golden and his fangs started to protrude, but Sebastian stepped forward as well, easing the tension.

"She has a right to renounce it. It's also written in the scrolls. I read them myself, " He said, "Sabrina is ours and we are hers. We stand with her. "

Sabrina gushed, but she still held her head high, very stoic in her stature.

"It's fine!" David said, "It's just a title. Queen Esther was the same way. Still hates the title to this day. "

Pride beamed from Sabrina's face.

"Thank you," She said to her mates as the Council took a break, "That means so much to me that you stood with me. I'm sorry you won't... "

"Hey... it's cool, " Xander said as pompous as ever, "You're still the queen and we're still going to be royalty."

"Our heirs will be, too.. " He slipped in there for good measure.

Sabrina blushed, her nerves shot at the idea of birthing all of their pups.

"I can't put myself in your shoes, Sabrina," Hudson said, taking her hand in his, "But you will never be unhappy with us, I promise."

"Just get Xander's dumbass to stop being so jealous," Q muttered. I heard Xander snarl behind me, as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

"The Council is returning," Seb whispered.

Everyone settled, Hawk explained that there wouldn't be a coronation, but a swearing in over the scrolls and the Book of the Shadow Realm.

Sabrina was fine with that as it was custom for anyone to do so in her position of power.

Her mates looked at her in awe as she did so, knowing people would still forever consider her their Queen and they her consorts, her princes.

"Take the scrolls back to your estate," Hawk said to the Quads, "Get her acquainted with the grounds and what it entails."

"Have you already recorded them?" Seb asked, taking the scrolls and book from Hawk.

"Yes, Tobias was kind enough to give us replicas," Hawk nodded.

Beverly smiled, "Now go! Get your duties completed and get ready for your wedding!"

The Quads talked with Sabrina about a lot of the items down there, discarded from years of being forgotten. Many of them were from the Realm, including the mirror.

"Why is your home the center of it all?"

Hudson smiled, "You can thank our ancestors for that."

"Do you have any more family in the Inner Realm?"

Q shook his head, "No, but you'll be meeting our family soon. They won't be at our wedding, but eventually everyone will know our mate. "

Sabrina smiled as Q took her hand in his. It almost felt natural to be affectionate with one Quad in front of the others. She did sense a little jealousy, but it was so strange how accepting she was with the arrangement.

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