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There was a small reception following the wedding ceremony and I was too scared to move.

The Quads stayed as close to me as they could and that didn't make it any better. I thought about the hours ticking by, getting closer to the moments where I blessed them and we became one...

"I don't need to know anything, do I?"I shyly asked Tina as we stood next to the water fountain away from the party.

"Sabrina, you'll be fine. Let them take care of you and you take care of them. Your body and emotions will tell you what the five of you need."

Five of us. Four men. Four husbands. Four intimate partners... I couldn't breathe.

"You look a little pale," Tina said, "I'll get you some punch. "

She came back shortly after and I downed the refreshment.

"Here," I handed her my bouquet and her eyes welled up with tears, "I didn't want to toss it because you're getting married soon."

As if I'd given a secret away, I apologized.

"Tina, I saw..."

She knew I had the gift of sight and her face lit up.

"It's OK," She shook with excitement, "Who was the man?"

I shook my head, "I couldn't see his face, but he was there. I guess I have to practice my powers a little more."

She hugged me and I squeezed her close to my body. She'd been my only friend for so long without expecting anything from me. I owed her so much.

"Go! Have fun," I pressed her as she took the cup and bouquet from my hands, "I'll be fine."

She gave me another hug and rushed off to dance with Tobias. I wondered if the man was Tobias, but I still couldn't see it.

I sat down on the edge of the fountain, scanning the crowd. I watched Hawk and Beverly talk to David and Valerie, their conversation looked intense.

I wondered if I should have been involved in that conversation.

It didn't take me long to realize that the festivities were coming to an end and nighttime was upon us.

Quinn found me and sat down. He didn't say anything to me, but he took my hand into his and smiled. I guess I looked terrified because he gripped my hand tighter.

"This is either going to be the best night of your life or... a nightmare. "

"You sound like Xander. "

Quinn chuckled, "No, Xander would be telling you all of the things he was going to do to you. "

"He's mentioned a few things."

"Typical Xander. "

"I'm not choosing who goes first, Q, I can't."

"No, we know that," He nodded, "There's a vacant guest house way back near the forest that we're using for the night. No one's around and it's been stocked up with all of the essentials for the next week, including a private bath and bedroom for you."

I smiled. I knew they'd be thinking about my comfort.

"Did you get your tea?"

"Yes," I said, "I'm sorry if you all want children right away, but this is very consuming to me."

"I can't imagine, to be honest, " Q pursed his lips together, "I don't know if it would have been any easier if... " He trailed off, but I knew what he wanted to say: if they'd already had me...

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