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Xander stared at me until his eyes turned green again.

"Y-your what?"

"'Mate," Sebastian said, "You're..."

"I am no one's mate. You are insane. You're all insane.." I whispered.

Hudson moved closer to me. I could feel his heat-feel his breath on me.

"You are our mate Sabrina.."

I laughed, "I don't even know what the hell you're talking about. This is some sort of trick? I just want you to let me go. Please? I won't tell anybody..."

David coughed, "She can't accept you until she knows the truth and we can't tell her the truth until we've spoken to the council."

"Xander.." I don't know why I didn't pull away. I felt so safe with him at that moment. I wanted him to be my savior.

"I'm so sorry, Sabrina..."

"She doesnt have the capability to accept you right now. I fucking told you boys to let her figure this out on her own!" David said, begrudgingly.

"Dad... " Hudson's voice cracked, "Please don't do this."

"I've no choice. The four of you acted recklessly and without the authorization of the council. You must let her go."

Xander didn't budge, even when I pleaded with him again.

"Xander... " I sobbed.

"I can't let you go, Cupcake," He placed his forehead against mine, "I've waited so long for you."

"The other option is to clear her mind of everything from this afternoon," Rayanne suggested.

"W-what?!" I continued to stare at Xander who didn't seem to like that, either.

"Do it," Q said, "Just fucking do it and get her out of here. We'll run this through the fucking council."

"No... " I shook my head, Xander still holding me close to him.

"I don't want this, either.." He said only to me, "I'm a shifter, you're very special, and you're our mate. Mine and my brothers. You have ancestors, family-real family-that live... "

"It's too fucking complicated to wipe her memory!" David seethed, knocking Xander out of the way, and grabbing me much to the chagrin and anger of the Quads, "She leaves now."

Xander tried to stop his father, but David was too strong. The elder had me up the stairs and in my room in no time.

"Pack and go. Go wherever you can and I promise you won't be hurt. My boys will still protect you some way, somehow."

Tossed away.


"Don't you see she's hurting?" Q cried out as the Quads entered my room.

Sebastian joined me as I fumbled to pack my belongings.

"Just regarding the basement, we meet the council, we go from there... "

Rayanne smiled as she stepped forward and I tried to fight her off, but to no avail.

It was lights out for me.


"Where is she?"

"In the music room," Valerie told the Quads, "She's speaking with Maggie about her goals for tomorrow and how the basement is off limits due to reconstruction."

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