Tear In the Veil

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"Where is she?!" Hudson growled as the Quads fought the Mueller's and the Pert's, some with the Quads, some against.

The carnage seemed never ending. The Quads fought in their hybrid forms for as long as they could, injuring or killing off friends and foes. Those who'd want to hurt them or their mate, or take her away from them, were shredded—some did manage to escape.

"Kyle and Corinne ran after her!" Sebastian snarled, howls and yelps coming from all different directions, cries from some people they'd known their entire lives—hell, their souls knew them before they did.

"Fucking Natalie.." Xander sneered, "I will kill that bitch myself."

Wolves were flung left and right—there were a few straggling vampires, a couple of witches who tried to tame the situation, but to avail. The Quads weren't letting up—not when it came to her.

"We have to find her!" Quinn shouted as the Lycans came barrelling in.

"Dad?!" Sebastian shifted into his grey wolf form and stopped fighting.

"GO!" David's brown wolf growled as he fought off more of the enemy rogues, "And don't look back!"

The other boys shifted into their wolf forms: Xander's black wolf was almost the shadow of Quinn's white wolf. Hudson took the rear in his blue wolf form as Seb ran next to Xander.

They followed her scent into the woods—deeper and deeper they ran. How far had she gone?

They could smell the other wolves, Natalie's and her pack, Cody and Becky, but not James or any of the other Mueller's.

"Where is she?!"Xander yelled, linking his mind with his brothers.

"Stop yelling," Sebastian said, "We'll find her."

"She couldn't have gone far," Q reminded them, "Natalie was on her and so were the other packs."

"She fucking outran us the other day, bro!" Hudson said, "If we don't find her, this is on you, Xander!"

Xander snarled, "On me?!"

"Stop fighting!" Seb warned, "It's no one's fault. Sabrina should have known all of this already and we'd already be crowning her and moving on with our fucking lives. She doesn't know the power she holds."

"Wait..." Q stopped, sniffing around as the others slowed down around him, "Her scent stopped back there between those two trees.."

The pack lingered for a few minutes.

"You don't think someone got her?" Hudson asked, shakily.

"No," Seb said, "Her scent stops...here."

Shifting back into human form, the Quads glimpsed the others do the same, or continue hunting in their wolf form.The Lycans had caught up to Natalie and the Wren pack, taking them back to the house.

"No.." Xander spun around, kicking up dirt and pushing against the trees, "No, this can't be!"

"Look!" Q said, "Her dress...well, parts of it..."

Xander leaned down and picked up a few ribbons of ball gown, some Queen Anne's Lace remnants and a lone pearl earring.

"Oh gods..." Hudson shivered, "You don't think she...?"

Xander growled and fell to his knees.


Hawk eyed the boys as if he was reprimanding them with his mind.

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