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I certainly did not sleep well in that house –especially with the storm going on outside.

Scrolling my phone until the wee morning hours, I finally drifted off at around 3 or so and I was awakened by the shuffling of movement behind the connecting door.

I hurriedly brushed my hair, teeth and dressed, grabbed my belongings and headed out. Maggie was also emerging from her room, smiling away.

"Morning, Miss Brewster."

"Oh, call me Sabrina, please... "

"If they allow it, I shall. "

If they allow it?

We headed downstairs, the smell of frying bacon tantalizing my nostrils.

Maggie, who was holding her overnight bag, nodded in my direction and headed out the front door before I could say anything.

Dropping my bags at the door, I crept into the kitchen to find Q and Sebastian cooking while Hudson and Xander were arm wrestling at the table.

I stood there for a time and took them in. They were gorgeous and I was taken by their appearance, but I had to go.

"Oh hey Cupcake!" Xander dropped his brother's arm and smiled at me, leaning back in his chair and running a hand across his muscled chest. He was wearing absolutely nothing except for some grey sweats–and well... I had to look away.

"I like it when you wear your hair down like that."

"I'll put a hat on right now."

"You are such a smart ass. Tina teach you that shit?"

I folded my arms and sighed.

"Breakfast and then we'll drop you off at the motel, " Seb told me, flipping a pancake.

"Do you like pancakes?" Q asked me.

"Yes, I do. Thank you.."

Xander beckoned me over and I complied, albeit with a gruff.

Hudson moved over as Seb brought me a coffee.

"Do you have cameras in the rooms?" I blurted out, a pan dropped and scared the shit out of me.

"Why would you ask that?" Seb glanced my way.

I coughed, "I just didn't feel right in that room, I'm sorry... .You all have been... kind to me, " I rolled my eyes at Xander who was touching me with his foot, running it up my pant leg.

"The house is old, but updated. We don't use that wing too often," Sebastian and Q placed the food and plates and utensils on the table and sat down.

"That's probably it," I nodded.

But that wasn't it. My aunt and uncle left me in a wing by myself and I never felt watched.

"Xander... " I pleaded.

"Bro, don't make me stab you in the dick. Leave her be," Q scolded.

"Why are you so touchy feely with me?"

Xander gobbled down some bacon and shrugged, "I like teasing you. You know you like it."

I did, but I wasn't telling him that.

"You're such a pervert... "

"But I'm good at it."

The conversation turned to college and jobs and the town we lived in, where I was from, how I got there, why I lived with Gilda and Jerome.

I knew that Xander was a mechanic, Hud was definitely going for video game and graphic sign, while Seb was interning as a paralegal and Q was heading off to study medicine.

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