Closer to the Truth

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I woke up in Hudson's arms. He was stroking my hair and it was absolutely the most soothing thing in my life.

"Good morning, Cupcake," He whispered.

I smiled at him as I lifted myself from his lap.

"My apologies for collapsing on top of you."

Hudson shook his head, waving away my sorries.

"You were exhausted. How do you feel now?"

"I'm a little better," I stretched as Hudson didn't even budge, "What time is it?"

"A little after 6. You didn't really sleep too long. Rayanne is going to check on you today. "

I forgot about having to work and the Quads actually going to work outside of the estate. It made me a little uneasy.

"Good morning," Sebastian was standing a few feet in front of us, studying my face and then his brother's – most likely taking in the situation or sensing if anything had happened between us.

My work hour began at 8 so I had some time.

"Good morning, guys.." I said, smiling way too much for someone who hadn't had a lot of sleep.

"Will I get lists on what I should assist you guys in?"

"You can assist me all night long, baby girl," Xander said, shirtless and with low rise sweats on. What I would have done to see what was beneath those pants. His washboard abs were immaculate, but all of the Quads had incredible bodies.

Gym class and watching them play sports showed me that much.

"You guys must hit the gym a lot," I have no idea why I blurted that out, but my face reddened so much that I could feel the heat exuding from my skin from embarrassment.

I think the guys saw it too, but I didn't get a chuckle or teasing this time. I got smiles and looks of longing.

"Why didn't you have any boyfriends?" Hudson blurted out as Q punched him in the arm.

I shrugged, "I just don't think guys were interested in me."

Xander crossed his arms over his chest and smiled, "Well, we've seen you naked so I find that hard to believe."

Sebastian rolled his eyes, pinching the bridge of his nose, "Idiots..."

I laughed, "Well, you're the only guys who've ever seen me naked so...? Oh wait, professor Clark was interested. "

Hudson growled, "What the fuck do you mean?"

I shook my head, "He hit on me and Tina all throughout the summer at the pool."

I didn't like the anger that filled the room so I broke the silence.

"Well, I'd better find Maggie before you guys fire me on my first day."

I walked over to Hudson and what did I do? Kissed him on the cheek. That wasn't me. I wouldn't do that, but it felt so right.

"Thank you for being here for me, Hudson."


"Clark? Did he know?" Quinn thought aloud when Sabrina left to find Maggie. He'd been leaning up against the back wall.

"Nah, he's just a perverted warlock," Xander stretched, "But if he even glances at our mate again, I'll rip his face off."

The others agreed.

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