The Big House

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I'd been to this neighborhood only once and that's when Tina wanted to show me around. Everyone knew where the Quads lived because everyone was invited to their parties--except for me.

"I-I can't do that..." I blushed, as Xander continued to scowl at me like my presence in his car was making it tainted.

"Sure can and you sure are!" Hudson told me

"B-but why?"

"Why go to a hotel when you can stay at our place?" Seb asked without turning around.

"I don't understand," I panicked, "You guys hate me."

Xander laughed, Hudson got a little too close to my thigh with his hand and Q shook his head. Seb was just staring out at the rain.

"We've never hated you, Brewster."

"Do I have to run down the list of things you've done to me or can I get out now?"

Xander shook his head, "You can get out at our place. Period."

"We're just trying to be nice," Hudson said, "Like when professors try to,-"

I shot him a look, reddening when I remembered that Xander had seen my panties a year ago.

"Listen," Seb began, "One night and we'll take you wherever you need to go tomorrow."

"Why are you out in the rain, though?" Q asked, turning to face me.

I didn't want to tell them, but they might have known. The town was filled with gossip.

"My family kicked me out."

Xander swerved to miss something in the road, tossing me into Hudson.

His hands gripped my arms, tenderly as I fell into his chest. He wouldn't let me move, though.

"S-sorry..." I said, trying to move over.

"Why?" He asked in my ear, "Maybe I like this position."

I jerked away from him as Seb glared at his brother.

"Don't listen to him," Seb said, "He's a horn dog."

That didn't make me feel better about this situation.

"Where are your parents?" I asked, as we entered the gated estate, "Won't they be mad that you've brought me here?"

Xander swerved again and this time I fell into Seb.

"That's enough!" I shrieked, "You know what you're doing. Stop toying with me and let me go!"

I had had enough of people playing with my emotions and my life.

"Listen, honey, we're home now," Xander curled his lips, "And it wasn't my fucking idea to bring you here. I just drive like that."

"Let me get an umbrella," Q said, as he exited the car with the others.

I watched as the men carried my stuff into their sprawling mansion, Q coming back with the umbrella and escorting me to the front door.

"Our folks won't care," Q said as we entered the foyer, "They're out of town anyway."

"Oh, I see..." I shuddered, "So...there's no other woman here?"

"Some servants, yes..." Seb nodded, "Do you want to get out of these wet things?" He motioned at my cap and gown.

"Uh, yeah..sure.." I smiled, as he showed me to a downstairs bathroom. I couldn't even think straight. My aunt and uncle's house was huge, but this? This was fourteen houses in one and modernized.

"I bet you're hungry," Seb said, "I'm going to order some pizza. Do you have a preference, Sabrina?"

I turned to look at him, "No—uh, not really. No pineapple?"

Xander gagged, "Fuck. At least I can like that about you."

Seb scowled, "How the hell is she supposed to feel safe here with you acting like a dick?"

Xander shrugged, "She can take it.. Can't you, Brina?"

That was the first time he'd call me Brina. Most of the time he called me Brewster and he absolutely loved to call me Cupcake. That's what the Quads always called me...

"I guess so..." I scurried to the bathroom and got dressed, listening to them speak in hushed tones as I brushed out my hair—this time letting it flow. I put on a midriff and a pair of cutoff shorts, plus my sandals.... It was the most exposed I'd been, save for the panty episode.

Emerging from the bathroom, I dropped my gown and cap onto my luggage and made my way to the kitchen. The guys were standing around the island when I walked in.

"Jesus..." Hudson said as he looked me up and down.

Seb peered around him and smiled at me, Q smirked and Xander? Xander's face had changed. Their was something inside of his eyes that told me I needed to beware.

"Wow, Brewster," Xander licked his lips, "I didn't know you had a body like that..."

I blushed and lowered my gaze, my shoulders sagged and I headed back to my luggage to find a flannel.

Seb followed me,

"You don't have to cover up. He's a pervert, but he's harmless."

I put on my flannel and sighed, "Sure, but I'll feel better like this."

"What's in here?"

"A violin."

"You play violin?" He asked.

"Yes..." I smiled, "I can play a few instruments actually."

Seb put his arm around my shoulders and ushered me into another room full of pianos and other instruments.

"Contrary to what people think, our folks demanded we become cultured. Even Xander can play the piano and drums."

"I heard my fucking name," Xander appeared in the doorway of the music room, "We're like the fucking Partridge family."

"We're far from the Partridge family, but we do play," Q nodded as Hudson downed a beer next to him.

"Dad'll kill you if you have drinks in here," Q warned.

"Dad isn't fucking here."

Xander rolled his eyes and then looked to me.

"Well, let's see what you got, Brewster," He smiled as I fixed my gaze on a nearby piano.

"Am I allowed to?"

"Go ahead..."

So I did. I played a medley of classical pieces and watched the guys melt. They praised me for my skills and I was humbled.

"Well, at least we'll be entertained while she's here," Hudson mumbled, thinking I couldn't hear him.

He and Seb headed out and the rest of us followed, Q at my right and Xander behind us.

Xander snickered.

"Oh, I can think of a million ways to keep us entertained while she's here."

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