Eternal Flame

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"Do we have time for all of this?" I asked as Maggie browsed wedding dresses.

After the Council meeting, I was sure we'd have to go to war, but we didn't. Having never done this before, I'd asked around.

"The Dark Front is moving in, but it might take them days or weeks to push through," David said at the meeting, "We can't rush in and we can't risk the death of the royal family, I'm sorry, Sabrina."

"But I have all of these powers, -"

"As do we," Valerie reminded me, "Do you see Bear here?"

Bear! He went to the front lines and I was devastated for Samantha and Jolene. All because of me...

"He'll come back to us," Samantha smiled as she helped me pick out hairstyles, "It's a hill I'm willing to die on, too. We can't risk you being lost to this. The future of the Realm depends on you."

"I don't understand if I'm Queen, then, -"

"You are the Queen of the Outer Realm, my dear, " Cheryl said, coming up to me, "It's been written in the scrolls. Your princes have been waiting, we all have. "

"We won't wait for it to come, " Valerie said, "But being strategic and understanding yours and your mates combined powers will help us. "

And then Tina came home

My best friend who hadn't been able to tell me the truth and that she was a hybrid, as well, with wolf and witch lineage running through her blood.

"I didn't know who you.. are, " She said to me after cautiously making her way to my side, "My parents are fighting right now, way passed the Mountain... "

"Tiny Mountain .. "

"It's Malsum Mountain, but gods I can't call it anything else but Tiny Mountain now, "Hudson said, making me blush.

Tina and I retreated to my bedroom to talk more.

"I don't think I have to ask what is going on in your mind, " She said, gently.

I shrugged, "I'm scared and I don't want them to regret me. "

Tina sat down next to me and smiled, "You're more concerned about their needs than yours? Trust me, right now they're so concerned for yours, too. They want to make the experience a good one without it being weird. "

"I've never been with anyone before, " I told her as if she didn't already know, "How am I supposed to be with four?"

"You'd be surprised at the amount of women who want your problem, " She giggled, "But I know this has to be intimidating for you. Are you going...?"

"The wedding night. I don't know who will be first, but after the initial consummations is when they'll mark me. "

"Gods..." Tina cringed, "I wish... "

"No, you don't," Xander stood in my doorway, leaning against the frame with his arms crossed, "This is going to be a lot for her if it isn't already. "

"I'm guessing I'm no longer employed by you," I said, quickly reminding myself that my entire planned out future was lost to my dreams.

Sebastian stuck his head in, "Pretty sure we'll be employed by you soon."

Xander laughed, "How do I go about getting employee of the month?"

I smirked, "Well, I guess you'll have to show me just how well you can do the job. "

My flirting caught even me off guard and both Seb and Xander growled with delight, pulling themselves away again so I could have time with my friend.

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