Call of the Wild

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"I think you look lovely, Sabrina.." Valerie's eyes welled up with tears as she saw me step out of the stall for the last time in a baby blue ball gown, "Oh my word..."

Samantha beamed from ear to ear and Jolene's little self rushed into my arms.

"You look like the most beautiful princess I've ever seen!"

"Do you think the guys will like it?"

Valerie nodded, "Oh, honey, they're going to love it."

Samantha stepped forward, "Flats and pearls. I will place the Queen Anne's Lace in your hair once I've curled the ends. Do you want makeup?"

"No, I don't really like it.." I blushed, "Makes me break out anyway."

"She definitely doesn't need it," Valerie smiled, "And a little sheer, blue shawl."

I felt special and pretty. I couldn't believe this was me, standing here in the finest dress shop in town with Valerie Calhoun and others associated wih them. They felt like—family...

"Tomorrow is the party so we will not be showing the boys this wonderful masterpiece until you come down those stairs!"

"Thank you so much for everything," I said, my voice cracking, missing my mother, "Just..thank you."


"You're not fucking coming," Q said, angrily.

"We're invited, dip shit," Xander said, "She's your date."

Quinn figured his brothers would be invited to Molly's party, but he was hoping they could at least drive alone.

"Why? We're taking the silver Rolls," Hudson said, "She'll feel like a princess and we're her princes."

"She's our Queen, you dolt," Xander countered.

Sebastian sighed, "Can you guys knock it the fuck off? It isn't prom."

"She didn't even go to prom.." Q said, sadly, "And not everyone knows what or who she is. That's good and bad for her. We're doomed either way."

"I should have asked her," Hudson said, regretfully, "I wish she could have gone..."

"Well, she didn't so we're going to make it up to her," Xander said, picking out his tie, "We're going to make it up to her for the rest of her life."


"I am nervous,"I said as Samantha placed the little crown of wispy Queen Anne's Lace throughout my hair, "What if I fall or embarrass them?"

"Miss Sabrina,-"

"Please, please just call me Sabrina," I begged, already feeling like I knew her for my entire life. I'd even had the privilege of looking after Jolene and having coffee with Sam's husband, Bear, and he was the quietest giant I'd ever met, "I truly appreciate you doing what you need to do to keep your employer happy, but it would make me feel less awkward if you'd just called me Sabrina. Miss doesn't sound like you're my friend—it sounds forced."

Samantha smiled at me, "As you wish, Sabrina."

"Thank you," I said, smiling back at her in my vanity mirror as Valerie looked on. She didn't comment on my complaint, but she looked happy about it, almost proud.

"Well, we're done!" Samantha and Jolene beamed as I stood in front of the large wall-length mirror and stared at myself in awe.

"Wow.." I said, "You all did such a great job."

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