The First Night

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Back in the kitchen, I stayed as far away from the guys as possible. I didn't want them to know me and I knew more about them than I wanted to.

"Like your pizza?" Seb asked, eyeing me from the other side of the kitchen.

"Yes, thank you."

"You like meat, huh?" Xander asked, smiling as he watched me pick my pepperoni off and devouring it.

"If I said yes, will I get a perverted answer?"

"You'll get a perverted answer anyway, but sure."

I rolled my eyes as Hudson snickered and Q glared daggers at his brothers.

"Fucking little siblings..."

I choked, "Oh a rivalry? Who was born first?"

"Sebastian, me, then Xander, then Hud..." Quinn said, taking another slice of pie.

"Middle child syndrome, Xander?" I teased, knowing I was entering the lion's den.

He frowned and crossed the room in a heartbeat, sitting next to me at the table. I could feel my body heat and his closeness, watching his brothers out of the corner of my eye. They were watching him, too.

"Maybe..." He answered, grabbing a pepperoni from my pizza. I scowled and grabbed his hand. The lack of food I got from my aunt and uncle's house made me almost animalistic at that moment.

Xander dropped the pepperoni and leaned into me, "Maybe I'll let you see my sausage later on. I could really warm up these hands of yours.."

"I'd rather sleep outside. I saw you had a doghouse."

A laugh from Q caught us both off guard.

"Most women like it when I come on strong."

"I'm not most women."

"You a virgin?"

"Why does it matter?" We were so close that I could feel his breath on my neck, but I didn't look at him.

"It doesn't matter. I fuck virgins, too."

I cringed, "I think this was a mistake."

Seb stepped in like he always did, "He's just trying to get under your skin."

"I could get underneath her...." Xander said, moving even closer.

"Xander, go jack off somewhere!" Q growled, "I'm fucking serious. Leave her alone."

Xander snarled and left the room.

"W-why is he like that to me?" I asked, "You think I feel comfortable here with him around?"

Hudson had shoveled yet another slice of pizza in his mouth and shook his head, "He doesn't like anyone."

"Yeah, when's the last time you saw him with a girlfriend?" Q asked, even directing the question at me.

Come to think of it, I'd never known Xander to have a girlfriend.

"He's just a creep, but he's our creep," Seb said, "He's testing the waters."


"Because he can."

Because he can. Was this a joke to him? Me? My life? My crazy world?

"So, why don't we show you to your room and your shower?" Q offered.


I grabbed my belongings, but Q and Seb took them from me and I smiled.

"Thanks, but I can manage."

"No, no you're our guest," Q said, leading us up the winding grand staircase, "Don't you worry about anything. In the morning, we'll do breakfast and then take you where you want to go."

"Sounds good," I shuddered at the thought of sleeping there with them, "I-I didn't see any servants..."

"Guest houses, but I called Maggie so she should be here soon if it makes you more comfortable to have a female present," Seb said, as Hudson came up behind us.

"This is a separate floor from all of us," Hudson told me.

"It doesn't matter," I smirked, "I know these houses and I know you all have keys to every door."

Silence. Then the ringing of a doorbell.

"Maggie's here!" Xander called up.

A middle aged woman ascended the stairs with Hudson and Xander. She seemed nice enough and had her own little night bag.

"Well, here's the bathroom, showers, your room..." Q was saying as we entered a large bedroom, "Maggie's room will be connected to yours through this door so don't lock it if you have trouble."

"Why would I have trouble?"

Xander was flush with my back side now, "Anything's possible, Cupcake."

I rolled my eyes and thanked them for letting me stay.

"Yeah, no problem," Seb said, nodding to Maggie, "And if you need us, Maggie knows where our rooms are. It's pretty late or we'd give you a tour."

"No, no," I waved, "I'm nasty and tired anyway."

"Alright," Q smiled, "There's a phone and an intercom system in case you need us—or just go through Maggie."

"Thanks again..I truly appreciate it."

The guys left, leaving Maggie and I to talk a while about how long she'd worked there and my college and career aspirations.

I watched her yawn and told her not to worry about me, finding my way to the bathroom as she disappeared into her connecting room.

The shower felt amazing, hot and steamy, but I felt so weird.

I felt uncomfortable after a few minutes in there. I could have sworn someone was in the room—or watching me somehow.

I slowly peeked out from behind the curtain, but saw no one there.

I washed quickly and dried off, brushed my teeth, dressed and hopped into bed, pulling the covers up to my chin. I thought about what Xander said and then my thoughts went to him fucking me into oblivion.

"Oh" I shook the ridiculous thought out of my mind. I didn't want him to touch! No I didn't.

"Just one night, Sabrina...and then you won't have to see the Quads again."

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