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Valerie hugged me. She almost squeezed the wind out of me, and when I pulled away, she kept hold of my hands.

"You-you are going to be such an amazing help around here. I'm going to enjoy having a daughter figure around."

"A w-what?"

David stepped in.

"What my wife means is that she's going to enjoy more female presence in the house.. Right, honey?"

Valerie nodded.

"I'm not the best with my emotions. You make my boys happy.. "

"In more ways than one," Xander mumbled, receiving an elbow jab in the ribs by Sebastian.

I finally looked at him. He seemed normal, normal looking –his eyes still green, but his smile told me I was in for more than what I'd gotten in the closet

"It's very nice to meet you both, but I'm not sure what your sons could possibly say about me. We haven't been the best of friends..."

David shook his head.

"We are so sorry, Sabrina, " He glanced at his son's who straightened up in front of him, "They should have been perfect gentlemen. You should never have gone through any of that nonsense."

I was taken aback by his words. He almost seemed ashamed of his son's behavior.

"Please,forgive us–forgive them," Valerie's eyes pleaded.

"I'm,well, I have...I guess... they did take me in.."

"Oh, excellent!" A sigh of relief came from both of them as they ushered me into the kitchen, continuing to chat it up with me.

I glanced back over my shoulder at the Quads who were watching my every move.


"You're a prick, Xander," Hudson said as they watched their mate from the foyer, "In a linen closet? Please don't tell me it was her first kiss."

Xander didn't respond. He didn't even look at his brother.

"I hate your face right now, little brother," Q frowned, "Her first kiss shouldn't have been in a fucking closet."

"What? Did you want me to fucking send her flowers first? I needed to taste her!"

Xander argued, turning to face Quinn.

"We all want to taste her, Xander," Sebastian said, "But we know the rules."

"So does he!" Hudson moved closer to Xander, "We protect her, we keep her safe, she accepts us, we tell her, we show her and then it happens. It happens this way for everyone! "

Xander stepped up to his little brother, "She's not like the others and we all know it. Her healing and powers are already coming out. What happens when she uses it and it scares the shit out of her?"

Sebastian sighed, "We could call a meeting but it's risky."

"We'll talk to Dad," Hudson said.

"If you guys don't do something," Xander said, "I will."


"That's a lovely dress, Sabrina," Valerie said as we settled at the table for breakfast. I noticed I sure as hell wasn't Miss Sabrina when it came to the elder Calhoun's.

"Thank you," I watched as the Quads joined us, Quinn on one side of me, Sebastian on the other. Hudson and Xander sat across from us, "How was Bermuda?*

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