Written in the Stars

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I look around the room at my destined mates.

My mates...This couldn't be.

What the hell had happened?

Oh... oh my...

"Sabrina... " Xander still had my hand in his and I was trying to wrap my head around everything.

"How long have I been gone?*

"About a week or two... "


"Shhhh,"Sebastian knelt down on my left side and stroked my cheek, "Don't get worked up, baby... We're going to take care of you."

I smiled at him as he continued to caress me. Xander coughed and I turned to him, holding my hand.

"I don't remember... wait! Where's Tobias?"

Hudson frowned, "Tobias Tuttle?"

Q nodded, "Did he come back with you?"

"Yes and he had the scrolls. We were going to the Council together."

I sensed something wrong with my boys and I think I figured it out when Xander looked angry.

"He's harmless, Xander. I knew him when I was a toddler."

The jealousy was evident, even Sebastian had narrowed his eyes.

"How did I get here?? Back in my room?"I asked.

"I carried you and then we dressed you," Xander said.

I gasped, "You... "

Xander nodded, "I gave you a sponge bath, baby... that was it."

I blushed profusely. They'd seen everything now.

"You're perfect, Sabrina," Hudson said, making his way to me, "We'll find Tobias," He knelt down next to Xander and kissed my cheek, "We thought we'd lost you."

I heard Q on his phone with David talking about Tobias. I was worried, but I knew I had to press on.

We had a war to win.

"I'll tell you everything I know now," I said to them, "Then you tell me about yourselves. No lies."

So we did just that.

I talked of my life, my history, my future, and the Quads told me they'd been wolves forever but not shifted. They could perform all of the spiritual, mental and physical tasks but even in their human form. They'd no idea about a mate and thought they were like Kurt and his pack who did not have destined mates.

"We have fought the Front only once and that's when we were kids," Hudson said, "We've been to the Inner Realm once, but it was super tricky to get out."

"Shadow County is the Outer Realm, " Q said, "This is our turf and there is a barrier surrounding it. Our house and the entire estate is ground zero. You should be very protected here. "

"But James got through," I reminded them, "And he took me, or tried to. "

"An insider," Xander stood up, "Fuck! Of course... "

"What? Someone on your side?" I asked, "Who?"

A knock came at the door.

"There's a fellow at the gate for Miss Sabrina," Clive said from beyond the door.


I hurriedly grabbed a robe and tossed it on as the Quads followed me down the stairs.

"Tobias!" I rushed to him as he stood in the foyer next to David and Valerie. Hugging him, I examined his body, "Are you hurt?"

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