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"Where? A satyr?"

Sebastian looked skeptical when I told him as if I hadn't just seen James in his satyr form, mocking me from Aurora.

"He has slipped through the veil multiple times. That old magic is what's helping."

We took to the Council to even discuss the possibility that the Prophets were behind it, but that would make no sense.

"Is my magic and strength not stronger than ancient sorcery?" I asked, quizzical about how I could be such a powerful being, yet challenged by archaic black magic.

Hawk nodded, "If it has been discovered and used quite often without you preparing for it, then yes. However, you ARE more powerful, but it ranks close to you."

It was time to brush up on my skills. I needed my Coven and Jamal by my side at all times, much to the chagrin of my mates.

"Some honeymoon, eh?" I joked as we read through the scrolls together.

Rayanne and Tina were busy with the Coven, while Valerie, David, Clive and Cheryl decided to head out and find Maggie.

"She's probably slipped through the veil at this point," Q said.

"She can't," I told them, "She's not strong enough and she's just a pawn for Danita."

Xander was quiet which was unusual for him. I made my way to his side, but he walked away from me.

"Xander, please talk to me," I begged before he stalled, but didn't turn around, "What is it? What's wrong?"

I wrapped my arms around him and he held my hands to his chest.

"I'm just angry, but not at you," He said, "How could they do this? What if you'd.. what if they..?"

I knew he was scared and not just angry, but I was going to let him keep his pride. He was alarmed at how much he loved me and our future children.

"Don't even think about it... " He growled, turning around and grabbing me by the arms, "Do I have to put you on a leash and tie you to a tree?"

I smiled, "I thought Quinn was the kinky one."

"This isn't funny. You're not going to find him on your own."

I wiggled free of his grip as the others moved closer. I might have been the authority, but Xander was still my husband and we were going to quarrel.

"I have to do this, Xander!" I said, walking away as he rushed behind me, "You know it's the only way."

"Like hell it is! You know we do this together and you're not fucking ready."

I stopped, "Maybe not, but I have to try and locate him. James is a big part of this and if he wants me, I'll give myself to him."

Valerie and David stepped out of the house to let us know what they'd learned from the Mueller's.

"Apparently, James is half satyr, not that it makes much difference, but it does give him different powers other than what he can do as a lycanthrope," David said, "I'm not letting those prisoners out of there. They don't seem to care much about leaving anyway."

I frowned, "They aren't pushing to leave because they think help is coming. It's not though."

Valerie huffed, "Danita and her close heirs care only about themselves. She's not using James, though. He's a direct descendant."

"How did we not see this?" Q asked.

"Old sorcery. That damn succubus has waited a long time for you, Sabrina," David told me. I looked to Xander who'd walked away again and I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Hey, I'll be right back," I told Valerie, "Let's get those scrolls and then see if we can't locate James. I need another briefing on where the skirmishes are and if the veil is secure."

"You got it," Valerie got to work and I could feel the fight in her. I could see she was scared, but she didn't dare show it to me.

I walked a bit behind Xander who'd cut through the gardens and a few greenhouses. He knew I was behind him, but he didn't look back until we were close to the forest.

"Why won't you let me do this?"

Xander shook his head, "You can't expect me to."

"You can't expect me to sit around and let the four of you go on without me."

"I would rather you stay behind and let us go. You have your whole life ahead of you, Sabrina."

"I need to be there, Xander."

"If something happens to you, what will happen to me?" His voice cracked and I knew he didn't want to show this side of himself—not this soon in our relationship.

"You'll be fine, we both will."

"You don't know that."

"And you don't know that we're doomed," I told him.

He leaned up against a tree and I slipped into his arms.

"I can't believe any of this is happening, but I think the craziest part is that I'm married to Xander Calhoun."

Xander chuckled, "And three other men."

"You and Hudson have to stop fighting. We need to be one."

Xander sighed, hugging me closer, "I am trying. I don't like to share."

"We're on the right path, Xander, I just know it. We keep the prisoners close, we find James, we fight the Front and we seal the veil," I threw out everything I'd been planning, "It won't be easy, but we have to do this."

"The Dark Front has been in hiding for years—like a thief in the fucking night," Xander told me, lifting my chin so he could look at me, "You're so beautiful."

"I feel beautiful with you, Xander," He leaned in and kissed me. I could feel him grow hard inside of his jeans and my body melted into him, "I don't think..."

"Don't...think.." Xander whispered, lifting me into his arms and twirling me around so I was now leaned up against the tree. I felt him, tug at my pants until they were wrapped around my ankles, along with my panties. Tugging his member free from his pants, I wasn't ready when he impaled me with his length, pushing himself so far inside of my channel I thought I was going to break.

A gasp escaped me as Xander groaned into my ear like a lover chanting a sweet lullaby. I spread my legs further apart until kicking my shoes off and allowing my jeans and panties to fall all the way to the ground. Finally, I was able to wrap my legs around him as he plowed into me, pushing me back into the tree.

"Xander...."I yelped as he moved in and out of me, "I love you..."

"I can't lose you, Sabrina," He grunted, "Gods, I'll do anything to keep you safe..."

It didn't take long for the two of us to reach our peak, floating over the threshold of ecstasy until the euphoria took over and then trickled away.

"Wow...I didn't think we could..." I stopped myself when I saw Tobias coming out of the forest close to what would be the Mueller's line.

"What the fuck is he up to?" Xander said, pushing me gently behind the tree as he pulled his pants on, "Can you see anything?"

I breathed in deeply and I could sense that something was wrong with Tobias, something I didn't like either.

"I don't know what's going on, but we need to find out," I said, "Should we follow him?"

Xander pushed us both behind the tree and watched as Tobias headed to a nearby car.

"Looks like he's gotten in good with your parents," I scowled, "Maybe he's scouting?"

Xander frowned, "Maybe..."

I grabbed Xander's arm as we watched Tobias drive off in one of the many cars the Calhoun's owned.

"Get the guys. We have to follow him. I think he's going to take us right to our saytr."

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