The Proposal

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I stared blankly at the four men standing before me.

"Is this a joke? A prank?"

Hudson shook his head, "We feel bad, honestly."

"But you guys never feel bad.." I retorted, "That's a known fact."

Their glares hit me like daggers and a fight or flight instinct told me to say no, get out, I'm calling the cops, but I didn't. God help me, I didn't. I was too curious for my own good.

"Dad should be on in a minute.." Seb told me, as he pulled a chair out for me to sit in.

It felt strange to have them crowd around me and Seb saw my nervous look.

"I'll sit in with you," He assured me, "You guys go sit over there."

He pointed to my ruffled bed. I saw Xander sniffing around.

"What the hell are you doing?" I asked him in a husky whisper.

"Smelling you .."

"Disgusting... "

Quinn smiled at me, "I promise it'll be OK."

I shrugged. It didn't hurt to humor them.

Suddenly, Mr. Calhoun appeared on my monitor, waving and smiling like this was all normal.

"Hi, boys!"

A woman appeared behind him who I recognized as Mrs. Calhoun.

Q, Hudson and Xander all stood up to wave or say something, but I was more concerned about the parent's appearance. They looked haggard.

"Hey, Dad! Mom! Bermuda treating you well?" Q asked them.

"Very! We'll be so happy to come home, though! It's getting hotter every second here," Mrs. Calhoun said, shakily.

"So, this is Sabrina Brewster?" Mr. Calhoun smiled at me.

"Yes, I am Sabrina Brewster... nice to meet you.."

"You as well, my dear! The boys told me you're in a bit of a pickle.."

"I'm not really in a pickle, sir, I just haven't left town yet.."

Xander strolled over, leaning into my ear. The scent of his cologne tickled my nostrils and it took everything I had not to salivate all over myself.

"She's in a pickle, Dad, she's just got too much pride. We warned you. "

"Warned him?" I asked, glaring at Xander as we nearly nose to nose, "What game are you playing?"

"Let me cut right to the chase, Miss Brewster, I need another housekeeper and a personal assistant to my boys," Mr. Calhoun said, his smile fading, "You need a job at least until school, but I can help with that, too."

"I have scholarships."

"Not necessary, my dear. I'll pay your tuition wherever you want to go and you'll be paid eight thousand a month, plus housing and health benefits."

My mouth fell to the floor. This was a dream or a cruel joke.

"You must know what they, -"

Mr. Calhoun waved his hand, "Yes, I know. My sons can be assholes, but I assure you that this is legitimate. I don't fuck around with business deals, Miss Brewster, so what do you say?"

This was too good to be true. It had to be.

"What do I do as a personal assistant?"

Xander chuckled, "Start by sucking my dick... "

I'm the only one who heard him and my face grew pale. I glared at him, but the look in his eyes was different.. Strange..

"Whatever they need, within reason, of course. Appointment making, laundry, typical assistant work."

This was too easy.

"But I can break my contract?" I eyed him as he leaned into the monitor, "Trust me, I will."

"I have no doubt that you will read the fine print I've emailed my son. Sebastian is going to be the lawyer of the family so this is his time to shine."

"Let's go over it," Seb pulled up his email and we looked through it. It was legit.

They were definitely banking on me not breaking this contract.

"We'll go over minor details such as schools and that sort of thing when the time comes," Mr. Calhoun told me, looking paler than he was before. The wife had disappeared, returning with a few umbrella drinks.

"We travel agents go through so much," Mrs. Calhoun joked, "In Bermuda today, Italy tomorrow!"

"Oh, and please, call me David, this is Valerie..."

"Should I? You are my employer..."

"No, the boys are."

Sebastian pointed to the contract still pulled up on his phone.

"I brought a copy for you to sign if you want to do this now. By all means, I can call around,-"

"Actually, yes..."I said, "I am calling my aunt's lawyer."

They weren't getting away with my signature so quickly.

Greer Westin arrived about an hour later, skimmed the document and skimmed again.

"It's quite legitimate, Miss Brewster," He assured me, his voice cracking.

Xander strode up to him and handed him a few hundred dollar bills.


I'd never seen Greer move so quickly, but he was always a skittish little soul.

"So, it's set?" Q asked me as everyone's eyes, including Valerie's and David's, were on me.

"Sure," I shrugged, as Seb passed me a pen.

Xander smiled, putting his arm around my shoulder.

"We told ya you couldn't refuse it."

AN OFFER SHE CAN'T REFUSEWhere stories live. Discover now