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I could hear my name being called again, but it wasn't the lady's voice—it was Xander who was holding me in his lap as I came to.

The others were kneeling or crouched around us, waiting for me to rouse, I suppose. I felt so safe at that moment. I'd never felt like that in my life.

I didn't move. I barely opened my eyes, finding myself with my head resting on Xander's chest, one arm draped over his waist. I sighed in deeply, and shifted in his lap. I felt him again and this time he leaned in to me, nipping the shell of my ear with his lips.

"Be careful how you move that ass on my lap, Cupcake..."

I moaned, "You're so perverted..."

A chuckle from him startled me out of my little trance and I snapped my eyes open.

"What happened to me?"

"You passed out," Sebastian said.

"Well, why?"

"We should call Rayanne," Hudson said.

"Who's Rayanne?" I asked as Xander stood up, taking me with him, "I can walk."

Xander looked like he didn't want to let me go, though.

"Are you sure?"

"I think so," I said as he placed me on the ground, gently, "Thanks."

I looked around and back to where we came from, "Someone called my name."

"Who?" Quinn asked.

"I have no idea. It was a woman..." I shrugged, "I guess? It sounded feminine."

"What did the voice say?" Hudson asked.

I started to speak and then stopped.

"I'm not crazy," I said, "What the hell is going on? Are you guys spiking my food or something?"

I was scared to death and here I was—continuously passing out in the presence of the Quads.

"You don't need to be scared with us, Sabrina," Seb assured me.

"Yeah? Well, none of this started until I got here!"

"What did the voice say?" Xander asked, taking my hand, "Tell us."

I thought for a moment, "It said something like I would know who I was—or what I was—or I don't know! Something cryptic like that. I'm not crazy."

"No, you're not," Xander said.

"They wanted me to go to them," I panicked, "What does that mean?"

The Quads looked at each other as if I'd said something they were not ready to hear.

"What? What is it?" I asked, pulling away from Xander, "I'm not some plaything you guys can toss around for shits and giggles. I'm going home...and by home I mean back to the motel."

I turned on my heels and started walking off until Xander grabbed my arm whirling me around and pulling me into him.

"No, you're not going anywhere, Sabrina," He growled, "Do you think you're safer out there in this...condition? Whatever that is? We have the best doctors and nurses available, just ask Quinn."

Quinn stepped forward, "We do. I promise it's not us.."

"I don't trust any of you," I said, "I just want...I just need to go."

"Why?" Hudson asked.

"Why?! I'm scared, Hudson! For all I know you assholes are human traffickers or rapists or who knows what?!"

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