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"My birthmark?"

"Yes, those beautiful fingerprints behind your ear," Devonia took a look at my marking and smiled, "I blessed you as well, but I gave you gifts of kindness and love, understanding and patience. You've grown to be an amazing woman, my dear, and soon, you will rule the Outer Realm."

" Are you like a fairy godmother? "

"I most certainly am not a fairy godmother! I'm a witch! Your mother witch at that! "

"I meant no offense, " I said.

"Oh child don't worry your head about it. You remind me so much of your great grandmother it's beyond words," Devonia said, "She was also very reserved about who her true mate was. It's a very complicated story for another day. I don't have a lot of time to teach you what you need to know."

"I thought time was,-"

"Here, yes, but not in your world," Devonia nodded, "Your world is under attack and you must get back to it and your mates to defend it."


"Yes, yes, yes...four mates.. pity the woman who has four men wanting her, right?"

"Stop mocking me," I said, frustrated, "I don't know any of this. I feel like it's a joke or a trap because that's all my life has been." I stopped as other people watched me, turn to Devonia and squak, "I need your help if you're being truthful, but no one—not one person—has been truthful to me my entire life! I knew my parents practiced Wicca—or so they said, but..."

"No, I don't know all that," Devonia said, "They had very little powers left when they departed the Light Forest because they chose to lead a "normal" life in the Outer Realm, but I made certain you were blessed and they probably hated me for it."

"So, I am in another world? I'm a witch,-"

"And a vampire."


"Augustus Moon is a vampire," Devonia said as if I should have known, "He just happens to be your great grandfather."

"These are all folk tales..."

People surrounded us as if I was some sort of strange creature—even though I know in my heart I'd just glimpsed a group of fairies fly by.

Drugs, a concussion, I was insane...which was it?

Upon hearing this, I was introduced to the villagers, or woodlanders as I found they were called.

"Your great grandmother, Esther, lived in that cottage right over there... "

I tried to recall: The Soul Coven from the Light Forest of the Bright Lands...

"Yes," Devonia nodded, once again reading my mind, "The Bright Lands is the territory, Light Forest is the town, respectively."

"Soul Coven?"

"Our witch coven, deary," Devonia said, "Don't you worry, I'll teach you how to block your mind and read others."

"How will I learn so quickly?*



Startled, I yelped at the sight of a fairy fluttering in my face.

"I'm Lucy and it's the greatest honor to meet you!"

I smiled, "I've always hoped you were real..."

Lucy's eyes widened as her wings fluttered wildly, "These are my sisters and I have a brother but he's fighting in the Kingdom right now. "

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