Tiny Mountain

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"It's an incredible marking," Hudson said, running his fingers down my arm and taking a hold of my hand, "Please don't try to fight our battles for us, Sabrina."

"I don't get it..." I said, not pulling my hand away like I would have prior to that moment, "I mean, what could you possibly be fighting over that's so serious?"

Xander swallowed hard, "You have no idea how serious it is."

I rolled my eyes, "It's why I'm asking."

"The Mueller's think that things belong to them—that this town belongs to them. I know you've heard the rumors."

"Is this about money? Land? A woman or multiple women?"

Hudson squeezed my hand.

"Oh my goodness!" My eyes were as wide as saucers and I threw my hand over my mouth, "Did they steal your girlfriends or something?"

Quinn chuckled, "No..."

"Not yet," Xander mumbled, flinching when he touched the bruise on his face.

"I guess it's none of my business, but they don't seem to like me too much," I shrugged, "The Mueller's never bothered me in school. Now that I think about it, they didn't talk to me at all unless I had a class with Cody and we grouped up."

The car was silent, save for me babbling on.

"What did your parents do for a living?" Seb asked.

"My dad was a sanitation worker and my mother worked at the library."

"No siblings, obviously?" Seb asked.

"No...they tried so many times after me because they wanted a big family, but I was the only child."

"Were you lonely?"

I gripped Hudson's hand this time, but it still didn't occur to me that we were even holding hands. No one two and a half years prior would have guessed I'd be holding hands with a Quad.


"Do you want a family?" Seb asked.

"Why all the questions?"

"Think of it as the job interview we never gave you," Seb smiled.

I grinned, thinking about my answers. I'd never given much of myself away to anyone—save for Tina who was so good to me. The Quads? They had just recently been good to me.

"Yes. I would like to get married one day and have children."

"How many children?" Xander asked.

"As many as my husband and I want, I guess.." I shrugged, "I like kids so I'd love to have a big family."

"We're here," Q said.

What is here?"

"The Mountain," Xander breathed in deeply, as if his wounds were more intense than he'd anticipated

I stared at him, "I can see it's a tiny hill and open field, but why are we here?"

Quinn parked and we sat there for a moment in silence.

"It's what's beyond it that's majestic."

Xander winced when he got out of the car and I couldn't help but go to him.

"Tell me what's going on," I whispered, "Do you need a doctor?"

Xander glared at me, but then his gaze softened.

"No, I, -"

I put my hand on his arm and a warmth rushed through me and I couldn't explain it. It wasn't sexual in any way, it was blissful.

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