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Hudson placed an arm around me and walked us back upstairs. I could feel Quinn's eyes on me as we did so and knew he wanted to talk, but there was a time and place and I needed to give my attention to Hudson.

"This can't be easy for you," He said as we went back to our bedroom, "Having to accommodate four dudes."

I laughed at the way he put it. Hudson wasn't innocent, but he was my sweetheart.

"I am a little overwhelmed, but I can't imagine what it would be like to share," I admitted, "I thought you said it would be easier once we were mated."

Hudson sighed, "It's supposed to be. I mean, in reality we could have said no, you could have said no."

I nodded, "I knew what needed to be done and...I found myself falling in love with you."

This conversation felt so strange—not bad strange, but as my people were fighting, I was getting laid by one of four mates in a majesic bathtub in the middle of one of the biggest estates in Solitude.

"You always forget to block your mind, Cupcake," He smiled his crooked little smile as he read my thoughts, "You've been briefed by the Council. You know there's nothing you can do if they don't strike. They can't use us against them if it's not a big skirmish."


"If we die, they have no power left and the Realm will be taken over by evil."

"Why are you my calm?"

Hudson blushed, "That's what I'm supposed to be, Sabrina. If I can help by not stressing you out and easing your fears—taking away your pain and accepting it as my own—then I am doing my job as your mate."

I got undressed and crawled into the bed. Hudson followed suit, but we just held each other. I needed this and so did he.

"I could stay here forever," He said as I lay my head on his chest, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, "I am jealous, too, but I don't show it like Xander does."

"Xander pushed Quinn off of Tiny Mountain, didn't he?" I asked, knowing the answer.

Hudson was quiet—like he was thinking about his brothers and their childhood.

"Yes. Q was faster and more agile than Xander and jealousy can turn anyone into something they aren't."

I shuddered. I knew Xander would never hurt me, but..

"He regrets it," Hudson chimed in, "He picks on Q about it because we're siblings, but he didn't think he was going to push him completely off the thing. Xander was the one who went after him and stayed with him the whole time Rayanne was healing him."

Gods, I loved these men so much.

"How many pups do you want?"I asked him which I think caught Hudson off guard.

"How many do you want?"

"I asked you first, silly. You can't be shy about it all of a sudden."

"At least one."

"Boy or girl?"

"Oh, that doesn't bother me, Sabrina. I don't care if it's a boy or a girl. I already love our child and they haven't even been conceived yet."

My ovaries were cartwheeling inside of me.

"Will you let me fight?"

"I can't stop you," He sighed, "I could do everything in my power to try and talk you out of it, but you're my Queen and you have the last say."

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