The Guys

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For four men who only paid attention to me when it was convenient for them the last two and a half years, the Quads really liked being close to me now.

"The greenhouses were put in not too long ago," Sebastian said as we entered the building, "Our mother does a lot of gardening."

I smiled, "So did mine."

I stopped to smell some roses and gardenias.

"My favorite flower is probably the tulip," I said, not understanding why I'd become so candid with them.

Something bristled behind me and I frowned upon seeing Xander standing flush with my body.

"Haven't you done enough?"

"Cupcake, I haven't done anything just yet... "

We journeyed on, talking to the workers and still being introduced as Miss Sabrina.

"I'm not sure that I'm comfortable with that," I admitted, "I'm only 18. Half of these people are much older than I am..."

"It's because you outrank them,"Q told me, "We've never had a personal assistant. Maggie, Clive and Cheryl are only staying with us until you've got your routine down. "

"Oh... " I frowned, "Wouldn't it be easier to have four people assisting you rather than just me?"

"We won't be too hard on you... " Hudson smiled, but his smile, albeit usually sweet and shy, wasn't this time. It was flirty and cunning.

Xander's eyes narrowed at his younger brother who smirked.

"I don't know what's going on with you guys, but chill out. We're in a greenhouse where plants need positive vibes, not brooding ones." I said, catching Q and Seb smiling at the other two.

"You will probably never work out here or for lawn or house maintenance, but it doesn't hurt to know what's what and who's who," Q said as we left the first greenhouse.

"How much land is this?" I asked. There had always been different answers throughout my few years in Solitude and no one really knew how much acreage the Calhoun's owned.

"What's rightfully ours," Xander answered, still walking awfully close to me.

Seb huffed, "What my brother meant to say is that we own a lot of land."

"So, will the four of you live here with your wives and kids—or if that's in the cards for you?" I inquired.

"We hope our planned future wants what we do," Q said.

"That's a unique way to put it," I smiled at them as we ended up in another greenhouse and chanced upon some tulips, "How lovely. I always wanted to own a nursery or something, but even though my mom tried to teach me, I just don't have a green thumb."

We made our way out and passed some guest houses and employee homes.

"Let's go back to the river," Hudson suggested.

"The river runs through your property?" I felt like a little kid, "That's awesome."

"We can go skinny dipping in it sometime," Xander brushed against my shoulder, dropping his shredded shorts in a nearby trash can.

"Perhaps a fish will bite off your dick." I mused, not glancing at him.

Hudson chuckled, "Who says his dick is that big that a fish could get to it?"

I laughed much to the embarrassment of Xander who stopped and lunged at his brother who dodged him. Hudson, not looking where he was going, ran right into me—knocking me straight to the ground as the wind was blown out of me.

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