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The Council was alerted right away.

Sabrina took the reigns more so than ever and—while the others were allowing her to do her duties as leader, fighter and Queen of the Outer Realm—her mates were less than enthusiastic about it.

"I don't think she should go," Sebastian said as they geared up for Tiny Mountain, "This is a real fight. She's barely...I don't know—she barely knows who she is."

"She'll be fine. She's an Ellis-Moon and will prove that to you on the battefield," Hawk said, watching the Coven from a distance.

The entire estate had taken such a swift turn once their Queen said they had to fight.

The prisoners were dead, Lily was dead, Jillian was dead, Maggie, Patrick and Chris had been sacrificed for their powers, the Gideon's were in hiding, the Outer Realm territories that weren't directly affected were on high alert, the barriers were unsealing, the veil was opening and chaos was about to ensue.

Tobias was not with the wolves, though. He was busy with Sabrina and that wasn't allowing Xander to process his strengths and powers at all.

"What the fuck is with this guy?" Xander snarled as he eyed Tobias with his mate, "I mean, yeah..I get that he's a childhood friend and all,-"

"Xander, he's harmless," Sebastian said, packing more gear into the Impala, "Why do we have a shrunken head?"

"Who doesn't have one?" Quinn asked.

Xander narrowed his eyes as Tobias placed his hand on Sabrina's lower back.

"That's it. I'm going to fucking kill this asshole!" Xander stepped forward only to have Hudson stand in his way.

"Move, little brother..." Xander snarled, pulling Hudson closer to him by his collar as Sebastian and Q watched, "Or I'll..."

"You'll what?" Hudson challenged, "She loves you, Xander. She loves you even though you treated her like shit for three years, but you saved her that night.You've got to calm down."

Xander growled, his eyes turning golden, "It's not her I'm worried about."

"Keep an eye on Tobias," David said, much to the Quad's surprise, "I think the guy is harmless, but you can't be too sure."

"So I just let him fucking touch her like that?" Xander asked, "So intentionally intimate?"

Valerie sighed, "Sabrina moved away from him, Xander. He got the picture."

Xander looked back to see his mate smiling at him, knowingly. She would be the only woman to ever truly know him.


Hudson put his hand on Xander's shoulder, "We can't fight anymore. We've got years of it—but not today, brother. Today we have to fight evil—not each other."

"Looks like we're almost ready," David said as they watched Sabrina with the Coven.

"Do they know we're coming?" Valerie asked Sabrina as she made her way to them.

Sabrina smiled, "I fucking hope so."

The ride to Tiny Mountain was solemn.

The caravans coming from Downey, Aurora, Ellis and Moon went for miles in each direction.

Most people who hadn't met their Queen reacted as they would to any royalty before them, they bowed or curtsied, nodding their heads if they were in the distance. Sabrina had no time to correct them—today she was Queen Sabrina.

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