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I stared at him until I realized I had an audience.

"I-I don't know..." I said, "I guess I like both..."

Xander sipped his coffee.

"Let's say a vampire wanted to date you,-"

I laughed. I could not do this with this man.

"Are you a vampire?"

"No, I'm not a blood sucker."

"Xander..." Quinn had a warning to his voice.

"I'm a werewolf," Xander smiled at me.

I looked at the guys then back at this crazy man standing next to me.

"I think you might have gotten your head hit too hard yesterday by James," I said as Maggie walked into the kitchen, "I'm into centaurs." I joked.

"Centaurs? They don't even make good mates,-"

"If you gentlemen don't mind, I'd like to show Miss Sabrina around so she can get used to the house before starting tomorrow," She said with a lovely smile.

I couldn't take my eyes off Xander's. He didn't even blink, but I could hear the breathing of the other guys. The room was so tense—as if Xander had crossed a line.

"Yeah, that's a good idea," Quinn said, "If that's OK with you, Sabrina?"

I placed my cup in the sink and nodded.

"It is. I'd like to get away from the werewolf," I said, sarcastically.

Maggie frowned, but smiled as she looked around at the guys who just waved us on.


"What the fuck? Are you high?!" Hudson asked Xander when Maggie and Sabrina were out of earshot.

Xander shrugged.

"You really think she believes I'm a shifter? Come on, brother," Xander rolled his eyes, making himself another cup of coffee.

"You're getting pretty damn high and mighty over there, Xan,"Quinn said, "She's already irritated with you."

"How long have we waited? How long and it's Sabrina Brewster?" Xander scowled.

Hudson frowned, "Who did you want it to be? She's perfect for us and you know it."

Sebastian smiled, "He's scared—and he's jealous."

Xander shot his brother a look.

"Excuse me?"

"You're quick to protect her—hell, faster than we are," Sebastian pointed out, "And you're angry.Angry that she's the one and she's not just yours. She's ours."

"What if she doesn't want the rest of us?" Hudson asked, suddenly looking alarmed.

"Well, that's OK, Hud!" Q said, "Xander's weeding himself out of the pack it seems."

Xander seethed. Yeah, he wanted her to himself and he tried to understand, but why couldn't it just be him? Why did he have to share his mate with his brothers?

"Remember old man Benson and his brothers had one mate," Sebastian reminded them, "They were happy."

"Xander wants to be miserable," Q laughed, "You're gonna fuck this up."

"What the hell with the werewolf question?!" Quinn sniped, "Are you daft? It's bad enough we're going to keep our mate as a damn servant until she's 19!"

Xander laughed, "Oh come on! She doesn't even know any better. And why does this stupid ass rule apply to us? 19?"

"It's when she'll be ready," Sebastian said, "You know that's when the,-"

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