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"Well, let's get your shit then," Xander huffed, heading over to my open suitcase and picking up a pair of my panties, "Nice..."

I lunged at him and grabbed my undergarments, punching him on the arm, "I hope you're a big boy and I don't have to assist you too much."

Xander smirked, narrowing his eyes, "Baby, I am a very VERY big boy and I am certain you'll assist me like a good girl should."

"Xander," Seb pinched the bridge of his nose, "Can you—just this once—shut the fuck up?" He turned to me, "Sorry."

I shook my head, "I don't get him.." Xander strolled out with one of my suitcases, "Is he just constantly,-"

"He's just Xander," Q smiled and walked passed me with another bag, "We'll be sure to get your money back for the week."

"How? I can't..." I told them, "I am paid up for the month."

Seb had walked out already and I was curious to know where he was. I watched him go into the front office and come out with some money.

"Here," He handed me the wad of bills, "I am sure you have a bank account, but it's nice to have cash on you, too."

"H-how...?" I took the money and thanked him, "Did you,-"

Xander started the car, "All they needed to know is that he's a Calhoun."

Once again, I found myself stuffed in the middle of Hudson and Seb.

This time, there wasn't much talking and Xander drove the speed limit.

Sebastian turned to me and smiled.

"You'll be working underneath Cheryl and Clive, but Maggie pretty much performs a lot of the duties that you'll be doing now."

I panicked, "I don't want to take over someone's job."

"She's needed help for a while, so it's fine," Seb assured me, "You get weekends and holidays off and obviously time off for yourself. There is a uniform requirement for everyday duties and another for special occasions. "

Xander chuckled, "Yeah, my dick is getting hard just thinking about you in a French maid's outfit. "

Q punched him in the arm, causing Xander to swerve.

"That's sexual harassment, asshole, and IN THE WORKPLACE."

Sebastian nodded, "She's gotta point."

"Yeah, I saw two very nice perky points of hers already. "

I sighed, "Just take me back to the motel. I can't deal with the sleaze bag."

"I'm sorry," Xander blurted out as Q burned holes into his face with a glare that would kill.

He wasn't sorry and he wasn't finished. I knew that.

"It's late so if you need anything, there's a fully stocked kitchen in your corridor." Seb told me, "You'll be lodged in the same room... "

"Why aren't I going to stay in the guest houses with the others?" I cut him off.

I waited for Xander to say something perverted, but his grin spoke volumes.

"In case we need you at any specific time. "

Xander coughed, "Bonus pay after hours.. "

After hours.

Arriving back at the estate, I still couldn't believe this was happening.

"Maggie's here and so are Clive and Cheryl," Q said as we rounded the long driveway, parking just shy of the front door.

This time, two men stepped out of the home and assisted me with my luggage.

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