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As much as Sabrina wanted to be strong, her facade was marred by the fact that her mates could see right through her—especially when she spied what was coming up from across the field. Creatures of all shapes and sizes and mythical lore—some in human form, some already shifted.

People she knew from school or the surrounding towns—friends or allies now turned enemies all because of her and what she was capable of—what she would produce with the four men standing around her, ready to shift when they were told to by Alpha Kurt.

"They've summoned their undead," Sabrina said, staring out at the sea of evil prepping for war, "Lily, the Mueller's...Danita..."


A hiss came from Augustus who'd dealt with this succubus before.

"We'd thought she was banished for eternity—we never thought she'd raise a fucking army all because the prophecy didn't choose her," Augustus's fangs protruded as the Vampire King's face darkened into one of anger and hatred towards those wanting to kill his family.

"My daughter is dead because of these fools," Ambrose snarled, "I'd gladly see them suffer for all eternity."

"Let's hope to the gods that they will."

"Where are the fucking gods?" Xander growled, "Where are the prophets while we fight this stupid war?"

David shook his head and sighed, "We're on our own, Xander."

To their dismay, the number of beings kept on multiplying within the Dark Front—from orcs to trolls, pixies and fairies—shifters and succubi, incbui and satyrs. Not one form of species was left out of this fight—including on Sabrina's side.

"Don't think about it," Xander linked his mind to hers, "I won't let you die."

"Xander, get out of my head," Sabrina linked, "How can I concentrate if you're,-"

He pulled her into him, "Because I love you too much to let you do something stupid."

She sighed, "I love you, Xander, but you have to let me do this. We're in this together and I'm not the hothead here—you are."

"Fair enough," Xander said, kissing her softly on her plump lips as the others watched, "We don't deserve you."

"No, we don't," Hudson said, kissing Sabrina on one cheek as Q kissed the other and Sebastian kissed her forehead.

"This shouldn't be turning me on," Xander said, chuckling to him, "I smell you, Sabrina. Don't think I won't take you right here on this battlefield."

Sabrina blushed, but shook her head and smiled, "Battlefield sex sounds dirty."

"Oh, it will be..."

"Alright, you two..." Valerie warned as she shifted into her white wolf form.

"Hawk is already in his werewolf form," Sabrina said.

"Yes, we went over this with the military council. We're running," Hudson said as Sabrina gasped.

"What? You're running into the battle?"

"Yes, and then we're shifting into hybrids. We'll be fine," Quinn said, shifting into his wolf form—followed by his brothers.

"Don't you shift unless you feel like you have to," Xander linked, "You need to stay with the Coven and your witches for as long as you can hold out. That old magic is what's going to save us some time."

"I've never seen so many... "

Devonia stepped towards Sabrina and sighed as she geared up with Esther and the other witches from the Soul Coven.

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