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"Is she asleep?" Quinn asked Xander as they rounded the corner to their neighborhood.

Xander looked down at the sleeping woman, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, she's been out for a few minutes."

"Can you please fucking stop being a dick around her?" Sebastian asked, turning around and glaring at Xander, "She's going to reject the shit out of, well, at least your dumbass."

"If she can't fucking take it, then she isn't,-"

"She fucking is the one, brother, and you know it!" Hudson whispered, hotly, "We all know it."

"I can't take this any longer. She's only been with us for two days and it's driving me crazy."

"You know we have to wait, bro. It's the way."

"The Mueller's can't get near her. No one can touch her," Xander said, "I'll kill all of them and see what war that starts. I don't care."

"What did she do to you?" Hudson asked Xander, referring to his injuries.

"She-she healed me..." Xander gripped Sabrina's soft fingers as he held her hand, listening to her little snores tickle his shoulder, "Our mate healed me."

Once home, Xander was slow in removing Sabrina from the car.

Picking her up, he cradled her next to him as his brothers watched in awe at how their rebellious, loud, angsty brother carried their mate up the staircase and to her room.

"Take her shoes off," Xander whispered, after placing her in the bed.

Sebastian did just that as gently as possible.

"What should we do about her clothes?" Quinn asked, his voice cracking.

"Leave them on," Sebastian said, "Do you know how many questions she's going to have in the morning when she's in her bed with her shoes off and doesn't know how she got here?"

"She healed you and it drained her," Hudson said, kneeling next to Sabrina's bed and stroking her cheek, "She's perfect."

"I feel like such a dick for treating her the way we did," Xander said.

Quinn scoffed, "You sure about that? You're still not the fucking gentleman."

"Fuck you, Q," Xander said, "I can't change overnight."

"Not even for her?"

"We were all mean to her, but we had no idea," Hudson said, not taking his eyes off of his beloved, "I want her to know what she is, who she is—who she's going to be if she wants it."

"We can't do that and you know it," Sebastian warned, reminding his brother of the rules.

"I just—it's so hard to be near her when she's..ya know..."

"She's going to be in heat," Quinn said, making his way to the door, "No one touches her. She's at the crest right now so keep your hormones in check."

"What about her true self?" Hudson asked, "When does she,-"

"She'll find out soon," Sebastian said, "Come on. Let's go run this aggression off."


I rolled over feeling like I'd slept not one damn minute.


I was in my bed, with my shoes off...and oh my goodness—where were the Quads?

My bag was near the bed, but I didn't recall falling asleep. I remembered getting into the car as the sun was disappearing beyond the horizon.

Then I woke up.

Sighing, I decided to shower, dress and head downstairs. I knew their parents would be coming in today so I wanted to look a little presentable—I'd even curled my hair at the ends and put on some earrings and a long, blue sundress and sandals.

I wanted to make a good first impression without feeling out of sorts. That's all I felt the last few weeks though—something was off.

Making my way downstairs, I passed through the library. This would definitely be my sanctuary if this was my home. I kept my nose in books or playing music. I picked up a novel and skimmed it momentarily until I caught sight of them and gasped, dropping the book causing a loud thud to echo throughout the room.

"Oh, I'm sorry..I-just..."

Quinn smiled and was already at my side, picking up the book.

"Legends and Lore?"

"I like supernatural stuff," I told him, eyeing the other brothers who'd moved closer, "How did you know where to find me?"

"Your scent," Xander mumbled.

"My what?"

"Your perfume," Sebastian cut in, "He likes your perfume."

"Oh, is it that strong?" I blushed.

"No," Hudson said as if he was having trouble concentrating, "It's just right."

"You look lovely," Sebastian said as we headed out of the library.

"Thank you. I figured if your parents are coming in that I didn't want to wear my ratty jeans and sneakers," I said, "I hope they like me."

"They will," Xander told me, "They have no choice really."

"You are sure of a lot of things, Xander," I frowned, "This is their home. I can't be here if they don't want me here."

That made me stop.

"How did I get to bed?"

"You fell asleep so I carried you," Xander shrugged, "That's all."

I looked around.

"I don't remember it."

"You're a heavy sleeper."

"But I'm not."

"You were last night."

Quinn stepped to me.

"You were quite tired and didn't even stir when we got you upstairs."

"Nothing happened," Hudson nodded, "I promise."

I don't know why I believed them, but I did.

"We wouldn't want to take your cherry while you're passed out," Xander licked his lips which made me redden.

"God dammit, Xander..." Sebastian took a step forward and I held him back.

"No, he's not wrong, but he doesn't have to be such an ass about it," I glared at Xander, "I'm a virgin, but I most certainly won't be losing my cherry to you."

I turned around and walked into the kitchen, shaking from my anxiety. I hated conflict.

The boys took a few minutes in the hall, probably talking about my sex life or making fun of me.

I quickly poured myself a cup of coffee and waited for them to join me.

"I'm sorry," Xander said, coming up behind me, "I just..I don't know. I've never been a nice guy."

"Why not? I'm sure you're not a dick all of the time," I said, sipping my java as he made his cup, "You seem to be protective of me and I don't know why. You carried me upstairs to bed and I don't know why. You've invited me into your home and I don't know why... What are you afraid to tell me?"

He smiled and leaned into my ear.

"Let me ask you a question."


"Are you a vampire girl or a werewolf kinda gal?"

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